Chapter 14 You Said You Love Me

Emma took the car back to the mansion of Quinsley Family. Actually, she didn't want to come back because the people of Quinsley Family didn't welcome her.

However, Emma had to come back and take away some of her personal belongings.

However, when Emma stepped into the door of the Quinsley Family, she was immediately scolded by Caroline, "Emma, you shameless ingrate, how dare you step into the door of the Quinsley Family again?"

"Aunt. . . "

"Don't call me that anymore. I can't bear it, Mrs. Grafton." Caroline coldly ridiculed.

"I am only here to take some things. I will leave very soon." Emma also felt wronged in her heart as she silently walked upstairs.

Caroline wanted to stop Emma again but was stopped by Jaxon who just came in, "Alright, stop messing around. Let her take it."

"Thank you, uncle." Emma said gratefully.

Jaxon's face turned to the side. Obviously, Jaxon Quinsley was also full of resentment towards Emma.