Chapter 25 Let's Get Back Together

Jimmy was in high spirits. He stood confidently in front of everyone. He explained the design concept of the dress in a clear and organized manner. This made people have to worship him in front of his overflowing talent, and they were willing to listen to him.

Emma's eyes were also somewhat dull. In her memory, Jimmy was that sunny and elegant big boy. He grew up with her. Now, he seemed to have become more mature.

If she had a trace of attachment to Jimmy, her beautiful memories of youth were all his shadows.

Quickly wake up Emma! You are already married. What are you thinking about?

What qualifications do you have to explore Jimmy's charm again?

It was as if she was hit on the head and Emma woke up from her daze. Her eyes met with the man standing in front of the stage.

She looked down with a guilty conscience and Emma panicked to the extreme.