Chapter 33 Call Me Husband!

Emma chased after Archie all the way, but outside his study, she was locked outside.

But it was a matter of life and death, Emma was not willing to let it go. She raised her small fist and kept knocking on the door. As she knocked on the door, she shouted, "Archie, open the door. Let's talk clearly."

The door was opened from the inside by a man. His gloomy eyes looked down at her from above. Archie actually did not look very angry.

"Didn't I tell you clearly enough?" He asked in a cold tone.

Emma was so anxious that she went crazy. "I said I won't give birth to a child. At least, I won't consider it for five years."

"Five years?" Archie was extremely unhappy with this deadline. "After five years, our children can run away!"

Emma's expression was broken. She clenched her small fists. She really wished she could punch him in the face twice. Could this man take her feelings into consideration?