Chapter 73 Romance Dinner

Of course, Emma couldn't explain the reason for her blushing face. She would have been mocked to death by Archie.

"Is it really that uncomfortable to come out to eat with me?" Archie crooked out the meaning of her blushing face. Because along the way, he had been secretly observing her expression. He only felt that she was absent-minded, which made Archie very unhappy.

Emma panicked and quickly explained, "I am not uncomfortable at all. Maybe your air conditioner is too big. I'm a little hot."

Archie sneered. He turned off the air conditioner, but his handsome face was still tense.

The sudden awkward atmosphere made Emma secretly anxious. Thinking about the matter of her grandfather asking for help later, Emma secretly complained.

But the man's thin lips slightly pursed, showing his anger at this moment. She did not want to provoke him anymore.

She could only follow suit and fall silent.

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Sandford Family!