Chapter 109 Emma Was Pregnant

A strange feeling surged in her heart. That was the taste of love. The corner of Emma's mouth raised slightly and she smiled so much that she did not even notice herself.

The man packed up the computer documents and held the bag with one hand. His other hand, which was empty, held her small hand very naturally.

"Say goodbye to Doctor Carl before leaving." Archie held her hand and led her to the dean's office.

Doctor Carl knocked on the door and went in. He greeted them with a smile. "Archie, are you leaving?"

"She can be discharged now, right?" Archie still looked at Emma with worry in his eyes.

Doctor Carl nodded. "That's enough. Go back and rest more. Remember not to be too sad. It is very bad for your health."

Emma answered softly in embarrassment.

Archie suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Doctor Carl, Emma and I are preparing to have a child. Do you have any good medicine that can help her adjust her body?"