Chapter 219 Another Way to Apologize

Emma was in a daze when she heard the sound of water beside her ear. She subconsciously thought, Could it be that she was too uncomfortable and forgot to turn off the water cage in the bathroom?

But, she was really too sleepy. The blanket was too warm, and she could not bear to get up.

It was almost winter, and she didn't turn on the air conditioner in the room. That was why the warmth of the blanket made her particularly fond of it.

Forget it, let the water flow. Anyway, she didn't lack money. . .

Strange, why did the water flow more and more? Could it be that the water cage is broken?

"So annoying!" Emma really wanted to continue sleeping, but the sound of the water was really too noisy. It was so noisy that she could not sleep anymore.

So, she could only angrily flip herself off the bed, touch the darkness, and walk towards the bathroom.