Chapter 238 The Elders of the Sandford Family Had All Gone

Archie watched her close the door and leave. He felt frustrated for no reason. He turned around and walked out of the balcony outside the bedroom. He put his hands on the railing of the balcony and looked at the passing cars on the street not far away.

Actually, he could feel the little girl's disappointment. But he really didn't want to tell the truth to stimulate her.

He would make her think that he was going on a business trip for work. At least, she wouldn't have any emotional instability, and wouldn't let her imagination run wild.

The frustration in his heart could be calmed down for a long time. Archie took out the cigarette in his arms and lit it.

The smoke shrouded his handsome face, and under his deep eyes, there was an indescribable dark color.

Emma used her fingers to unconsciously press the button of the elevator.

However, her mind was in a mess. Archie had lied. He had actually lied to her.