Chapter 267 How Much Did He Take

Emma also had a belly full of resentment. Luisa was always against her. How could there be a trace of sisters?

At the end of the day, in Luisa's eyes, she was just a wolf in sheep's clothing, staring at the family property of the Sandford Family like a tiger eyeing its prey.

Luisa was scared and panicked because everything that originally belonged to her now had to be split into two. Emma, whom she hated the most, wanted to take away one point. Moreover, she might take even more.

Hence, Luisa inexplicably wanted to step on her. Even if it was a small matter like a birthday present, she would not let it go.

Emma really only had hatred towards this biological older sister.

Just now, she was still hesitating if she should give this lamp to her grandmother as a birthday present. After being provoked by Luisa like this, Emma had already decided. She must give it to her without a doubt.