Chapter 270 Yoseph's Threat

Luisa casually removed the relationship between Archie and Emma. She was really experienced.

Emma did not mind. Anyway, she was very low-key with Archie now. It was already very lucky that she did not arouse other people's suspicion.

Just as Emma's face was calm, her eyes accidentally met Yoseph's secretive eyes. Her heart was suddenly startled.

It was over. She almost forgot about Yoseph. Others might not know about her secret relationship with Archie, but Yoseph knew about it.

"Emma, I heard that there are many precious flowers and trees planted in the back garden of Sandford Family, and they are all taken care of by grandma. Come with me to take a look." Sure enough, Yoseph was not someone to be trifled with. His sharp senses caught the surprise on Emma's face, and he immediately invited her.

Emma sighed in her heart. This Yoseph was really evil and knew how to take advantage of others' misfortune.