Chapter 339

Yunita was slapped in the face by her words. The surrounding women naturally knew what was going on.

However, due to Yunita's identity, they also pretended not to know about this matter.

However, Yunita's expression was exceptionally ugly as she glared at Emma.

Suddenly she thought of something. That's right. She had previously investigated Emma's background and knew that she was once a designer.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Yunita did not want to be seen as a joke by these women and randomly found an excuse to leave.

Once she left, the women who fawned over her also tactfully shut up and did not talk anymore.

Archie looked sideways at the charming woman beside him. He didn't know if it was because she wore her modified clothes, but her small face had some pride and confidence, making her originally bright face even more dazzling.

When Emma came down from the stairs, she saw Yunita being complimented by a group of women on the sofa.