Chapter 4 I believe you

When i opened my eyes i instantly closed it again because of the bright light... After a while i again opened my eyes slowly. This time i was comfortable with the light... I tried scan my surrounding.. It was a simple room with a bed where i was lying, a table and a wardrobe... I.. I knew this place. It was Cami's room... What was i doing here??

I held my head with both hands and remember everything happened to me just a while ago ...

While i was thinking my door suddenly opens and Cami came in. She was surprised at first but that look was replaced by happiness in an instant.

"you are awake " she said grabbing my left hand while sitting beside me " you scared me to death"

"how did i ended up here i remember i passed out on the road.. " i asked her confused.

" ohh so you know hmm... Yesterday you said you are coming at midnight.. ..i waited for years and years but you never came nor did you picked up your damn phone"she said trying to look scary while scolding me but i felt warm inside .

Wait.. Yesterday??

"what do you mean by yesterday? " i asked her "wasn't it a while ago? "

"A while ago?? You have been sleeping for a whole day ley ( she gave me this nickname and no one else can use it except for her) . Do you know how worried i was when you didn't came home and not even picked up my phone... When i went to search for you, you were at the middle of the road, unconscious. Do you even know how hard was it for me to pick you up to get in the car and from the car to this bed?? "

"You mean i have been unconscious for a whole day?? " i asked her in shock.. It had never happened before.

"sorry ley, i had used my this month's salary to get that wardrobe.. So i didn't take you to hospital" she said looking at the floor .

"Its okay Cami . I'm perfectly fine " i said "what happened to that... I mean man?? "

"who man ley? " she looked at me confused.

"That naked man covered in blood "i said.

"what are you saying ley. Who man ?? You were alone there. " she said

"Alone.. .?"

"Yes alone. Now tell me what exactly happened why were you there?? Why did you leave house at midnight "she demanded

"They kicked me out " i told her everything hotel ,adoption , Sarah's deal, and the cheque.

Listening to my words she got furious. "how could they do this to you... Even if you aren't her real daughter how could she sold you for money... All these years they make you work like a maid and you never complained. And that wrench, does she think by giving you this cheque she can buy her father's love?? If it wasn't for her evil and unkind heart , why would her own father loved you more then her?? Why didn't you tell your dad about this... You don't have to bear it ok?" she tried to comfort me.

"no cami, its alright . I don't want to go back there. I'm afraid i cant escape second time if my mom again planned something like this " i said remembering whatever she did to me .

" Ley, if you don't want to go, then just stay with me. We both can take care of each others in th future . I love you ley" she came forward and hugged me.

"Me too Cami" i said breaking th hug.

"What about that naked man you mentioned before ?" she asked me again.

I told her everything in detail. How big that black wolf was, how mesmerizing were his eyes, how my heart ached while i saw those blood, how those magician girls emerge light from their hands, how they hurt him, he then turned into a human and those girls tried to hurt me but they themselves were burned to death .

After listening to my wordsher face turned pale. It took a while for her to get back her normal face but she didn't speak for a while. She just looked at me. After a long time she said "ley, don't tell anyone about this. They'll think you are nuts. Lets find you a job and then we'll live together and take care of each others ok?? " She said.

"But I'm telling you the truth. It happened. For real" i tried to convince her.

"Yes ley. I believe you" she said patting the back of my hand " I'll get you some food . You haven't had anything almost a day. "saying this she got up and leave.

"Wait.. " i sighed. Forget it Riley its good if you don't talk about this anymore.

I don't even know if she believed me or not....


Few days passed after that incident. I have applied for many jobs but I didn't get any news. Cami is busy with her job.

I never went out. I never has a guts too. I was so scared maybe. But I never leave the apartment. I used to smile i used to talk and smile like i was ok in front of Cami but once she was out of the house, I'll go to the bed and cry my heart out.

Memories of my mom, the one whom grew me up , loved me and then sold me were filled inside me. I don't know if i should forgive her? "She was the one who grew me up all these years" i one half said. " but she can't sold you just because she lack money now. You're not a thing " my other half said. Whatever was true but definitely i wasn't a thing. I have a heart and it hurts .

I don't know where dad was. He never tried to contact me all these days. Don't he knows what had happened. My dad who loved me all these years, he lied to me. And i found this out in the most horror way, after my so called mom sold me. I don't know if i should thankful toward dad for not telling me this. Because knowing I'm not his biological child hurts inside. I don't know should i be angry for lying or thankful for not telling me this. All I do at the moment was crying



I am at Cami's appartment as usual. It is two room apartment one of them is kitchen another one is bed which i and cami share. I was looking for more jobs online when i received a call.

"Hello" i picked up the phone.

"Is this Riley Wilson?? " an unfamiliar voice came.

"Yes I'm" i said.

"this is from Golden company . Your resume is selected. You can came at the office tomorrow for the interview. "

"really?? " i said trying to calm down. " what time is the interview?? "

"at 9 am . Wish you all the best for tomorrow. good day" with that he hung up the phone.

I was so excited i called Cami right away and told her the news. And honesty she was much more excited than me.

She was afraid if I don't get busy soon, I'll get depressed. She really takes good care of me.

I smile at that thought.

The later day, i woke up in a good mood. I took a quick shower and put on my oversized sweater and long pants. I rolled my hair inside towel and went to kitchen. I made two sandwiches and two cup of coffee for me and cami.

While i was setting breakfast on the table Cami came out of room. While she saw the sandwitch and coffee on the table, she quickly grabbed it and took a bite. "yumm, its so tasty ley" she said chewing.

"Well thanks" i said and sat with her. We both had our breakfast quietly and in a good mood. It was after a long time that i was so calm and genuinely happy from inside.

After we finished, Cami insisted on blowing my hair for me.. She even choose a dress for me to wear. She picked up a while shirt, black pant and a matching office shoe. After that she did my makeup saying it'll boost my confidence.

Then i make my hair as always, collect them at my left neck and tied with a rubber. After i got dressed i also put on a coat, as it was winter .After that Cami also got ready for her work. Then she dropped me at the entrance of the Golden company.