Chapter 108 Rogue one more

I believed her but I wanted to tease more.

"Who knows if you didn't did it on purpose ?" i said.

"what do you mean? " she asked angrily.

Ohh... I was angry like this to see you dance with others.

" I mean many people are ready to do anything to get on my bed " I said.

She didn't replied to me anymore nor she looked at me afterwards. I don't know what had happened? Did I crossed the line?

" I'll pay your money. Sir. I won't run away. And as for that kiss I didn't did that in my willingness. I'm sorry if I hurt you "

She said to me and ran away from there.

I was just....

But i had hurt her. I could do nothing but to see her running away from me. I followed her but she moved back to her friends....

I didn't follow her anymore and then got back to my private room.

Sam are Liam having drinks while i got in.

"Did you pooped out there? " Sam asked.

"What?? "