Chapter 112 War II

"I think we should go to the place , where they are coming from to track down the alpha rogue. " I said.

"Dad you look out for here. We'll go to track that damn thing. What do you say? "

"Well, I'm in. "

"If you guys are going take some of our fighters with you. They all are coming from northern side... You go find that alpha, I and gamma will stop them here. " dad said fighting a rogue.

My dad was a gray wolf while my mom was brown one.

"Don't go through the crowd they'll grow as you go forward, go from a side till you saw their base camp." dad said fighting one of the rogue.

"Roger that. " Ethan said with a playful smile. This boy is always in his own world. He think very confident and never takes anything seriously.

"Can you handle them here dad? " I asked out of concern because those rogues weren't being finished. They were just increasing.