Chapter 9

She left the station, Arrow was meeting her so she walked slowly out. The bruises she had healed but the cuts remained, some of them were stitched up, but she wouldn't let that phase her. There she is, she thought, spotting Arrow leaning against her car and twirling her keys, she was a truly fascinating woman.

"Hey, you." Arrow moved off her car and walked toward her. "How'd it go?"

"Are you hungry?" She tried to change the subject, not wanting to go over it again. "I could eat."

"Sure, I was planning on taking you out to lunch anyway."

Arrow opened the door for her, letting her settle herself in before she closed the door. Iris watched as she went around and got in the driverside. She had known this woman for only a few weeks, and this woman was the only source of her happiness for those weeks. Arrow wasn't lying when she said there was a connection between them.

They walked instead of drove, the diner they were going to wasn't very far. Iris looked around and took in all the things she took for granted, the mothers watching their children at the park, the flowers dancing in the breeze, and the birds singing their songs. If she didn't win that fight against Alex she never would have been able to actually appreciate all these things, everyone taking part in their daily rituals, or just trying out something new.

She was trying something new, she knew she found women attractive but never tried to date one. Arrow would be her first and that would make her happy, at this little diner she would ask Arrow to be hers, not forever if that's what happened to them, but for as long as Arrow would have her.

The bell jingled when Arrow opened the door, Iris saw heads turn in her direction then turn again as hands were put up so they could whisper to each other. It was about her no doubt.

"Ignore them, the newspaper put out what happened but no one has the full story." Arrow whispered, taking Iris's hand.

"So in their eyes I'm a murderer?"

"Yes, but in my eyes you are a brave, strong, and exceptionally beautiful woman."

"Thank you, that means a lot."

They sat at a window booth, far enough away that they couldn't see the stares that lingered on Iris. A waitress came to their booth and Iris recognized her immediately, she wore yellow, like the other waitresses, and a fresh bruise peeked out under her sleeve.

"What can I get you to drink?" The waitress asked.

"Just water, no lemon." Iris gave a smile.

"Same here." Something flashed in Arrow's eyes and Iris knew that she also recognized the waitress.

"I'm so sorry, Hailey." Iris piped up when the waitress stopped scribbling in her notepad.

"For what exactly?" Hailey asked, giving Iris a death glare.

"For Alex, you must understand I did what I had to do." Iris said, reaching to put a hand on her wrist, Hailey flinched away.

"I understand that I don't fully know what happened in that chamber and that whatever he did, he was gonna do to me as well. I'll get your water." She slipped her notepad in her apron and walked towards the kitchen.

Iris looked down at the table, she knew Hailey knew about Esty when she was with Alex and she shouldn't feel bad that she no longer had him, but she did. She felt bad for what happened even though it was a matter of survival, no one knew what happened so maybe that was why she felt bad.

"It wasn't your fault, you didn't choose to be in that situation."

"I kinda did, I went off to those woods when you told me to wait."

"You know that's not what I mean."

"I know."

They talked until their waters came and ordered their lunch when it did, something felt off with Arrow ever since the incident in the woods and Iris felt it when she changed. The forest was a way for her to escape, she had a little place built up in the woods behind her home, now she wouldn't be able to go in without thinking about the fight between her and Alex, finding her best friend dead, but not decayed.

"He wanted you to see it." Arrow gave her hand a pat and moved it away, Iris wished she didn't.


"He wanted you to see her, he knew he would have a bigger element of surprise when you were down with grief. He could've killed her sooner and we wouldn't have been able to tell she was down there at all until we ran tests on the skeletons we found, but he didn't, so he wanted you to see her dead."

"That would make sense."

"Now, tell me about the interrogation."

"He said all I'd be guilty of is self defense if I can prove he attacked first." Iris heaved a deep sigh and looked around. "Problem is the video I have on my phone is too dark for them to see anything."

"Hand it over, I can get some techs to work on the lighting and we should be good." Arrow held out her hand for the phone. "When's the court date?"

"Few weeks, May 10th." Iris handed over her phone.

"I'll send the video to myself, send it to the techs with what I need and we should be good by then." Arrow sent out the message, checked to see that it went to her phone, and handed Iris her phone back. "Now, I have a question."

"So do I." Iris knew what was coming and couldn't help but smile.

"I know you mentioned that you find women attractive and that you've known that for awhile, but never tried dating a woman. I would be your first, and I want to be your only, but I understand if you don't want me forever or if dating a woman isn't your style. When I saw you back there in that underground whatever the reason I never left your side when this murderer was out for you became clear, you are the smartest, bravest, and most beautiful woman I have ever met.

"Would you be my girlfriend, Iris?"

"I would love to, Denise." Iris raised a hand and stroked Arrow's cheek.

"I don't much like Denise, it sounds like I'm an old woman and I'm only thirty-one."

"Haven't got much longer than."

Arrow laughed and leaned back in the booth. "That wasn't funny."

"Sure it was, you just don't understand my humor."