Chapter 6

Lucas s POV

I FELL down on my bed, staring up the ceiling of my room. I just came back from where I accompanied HER yesterday, and I felt a little bit upset that I couldn t understand why when I didn t get there anymore. Jez, what is wrong with me? I don t have to see him anymore, because I know nothing will make it 'good .

But damn, I started to get this feeling that makes me want to see HER face again.

I heaved a sigh.

This can t be. I was just comforted by him. That's right.

I sat up, shaking my head as I heard Lourine s voice outside my room.

"Baby brother are you in?"

I got up and headed for the door.

"What do you want?" I asked Ate when I opened it.

And as usual, a smile plastered on her face as she always does everytime she has a favor to ask.

"Accompany me. I want to go shopping. "

I knew it.