Chapter 11

Still, Maxine s POV

EVEN I can't believe the reflection in the mirror. I'll make it even more beautiful when it's arranged (charot). Tonight is the acquaintance party. I was at Meghan's house, she sent me to fix it. I also bought this pitch strap-less heart-shape-chest cock-tail dress that is above the knee in length plus crystal silver stilleto.

"You're beautiful Maxine ..." Meghan praised as she was also looking at me in the mirror.

I smiled at it.

"Thanks huh!"

"Nah .. don't mention it." shake it. "Just think .. this is our last year. Let's enjoy the evening. KJ is not allowed hah, I know you. "

I smiled at him again in response and looked back at my own reflection.

In the hallway of COMbuilding, all the students of the College of Management gathered, because the catering is by department.

"Hey Maxine, I'm tired ..." Meghan scolded me while glaring at me, because I already had two plates of food.