Chapter 49

TVS 20: Assembly


"We gathered all of you here as we reassign ranks and give opportunities to slayers who worked hard and deserving to be one of the Elites." Introduction by one of the High Officials of the Hunters Association.

We lined up like soldiers while listening to the speaker in front. We were wearing our slayers uniforms, so everyone here was in all black outfits.

I have seen a few acquaintances of mine, my batchmates at VSA. There are some that I don t really know.

"I won't prolong it any longer, I'll mention the top 5 slayers who are now part of the Elites."

Frost Von Hagen

Fire Vallez

Elenor Blaque

Lucas Morelock

Marquis Caligari

"Those who were mentioned, please step forward to marecognize you." As he said, I took my step forward. We are already at the front of the line.