Chapter 58

TVS 29: Unexpected Mission


"The Hunters Association, we are summoned." Frost is here at my house, carrying the news that a meeting was called with us, Falcons.

"Why?" I asked him, it's already four in the afternoon.

"I don't know either. Are you with me?"

"Okay." I said and quickly prepared. We wore our uniforms, complete with metal badges.

"Elenor!" I saw her talking with someone and when I finished talking I called her.

"Oh, hi." He says.

"Where are the others?" Frost asked her so I waited for her answer.

"They're already at the conference room. Let's hurry." We ran our way to the head quarter's conference room and bowed our heads to the officials inside.

"Sit down." Which in turn we did.

"This is a special mission before you start doing the newbies' training." One by one we were handed the papers.