Chapter 3 Her Best Friend

I am lying on the luxurious bed wrapped in a white sheet. Another first time, first time on the bed of ship's luxury suite. He is lying beside me looking at the ceiling. He Asked "how was it?"

"it was nice, good" I replied smiling.

"better than every time you had before?"

I stopped for a moment. Something is coming in my mind. No, it shouldn't come now. This is a very bad moment to think about that. I calmed myself and said "better than everything I had before"

He smiled. He looks so cute while smiling.

"I have to get up now" I said to him

- Can you? It's been an intense one

- I have to. I need to go have my breakfast and do some work. I will always be available whenever you need something. I will be at your service.

-Are you hungry?

- Yes it's been a while since we woke up.

- you haven't ate anything since morning?

- No I wasn't in mood.

- why?

- I was upset, tensed. Since last night.

- everything is alright now. You got back your job. By the way what was it? Will you mind telling me What actually happened?

- Nothing sort of telling as a good story. If I say anything people will think I am defending myself. I tried but actually I am tired of explaining

- I will listen without judging, you can tell me

He said me with the smiling face. And I felt for it.

- There were some guys in the dining hall, smoking, gossiping, drinking. They ordered some really expensive drinks. I carried those drinks to them. when I was serving one of them suddenly touched beneath my skirt. I am actually a little touch sensitive and I really don't like smoking smells. It disturbs me, irritates me, I can't tolerate smoking smell, I just can't stand where someone smokes. My hands were shaking, I warned them in a requesting tone but then suddenly two of them started touching me. I felt nervous and those drinks got smashed upon those guys from my hands. My movement destroyed the drinks, broke the bottles And the glasses. They became hyper and complained about me to the manager that I was very irresponsible and intentionally attacked them. The staff are here to make the passengers comfortable and they are our first priority. So I had to lose my job not only because of the expensive drinks I can't pay for, but also because the manager was convinced that I misbehaved with our guest passengers.

- how many years you are working here?

- it's like 3 years.

- it's huge span of time to know your staff members. I think the manager was really irresponsible. He didn't try to investigate and believed whatever the passenger told him.

- After all that's his work. He had to see the comfort of passengers but not neglecting their staff's.

- Hmm. You you got hit with me yesterday. I guess you don't know. You were looking downwards. When I saw you there you are really upset I knew something was really wrong with you. Your eyes were telling it all.

- So you are a great eye reader?

- You can say that I guessed it right

- yes. A huge thank you to you sir. For saving my job

- Call me Mike. I will appreciate it

- Okay Mike.

- I want to take a shower. Join me.

- really? Can I?

- Come.

He took my hands and pulled me out of the bed, naked. He entered the shower and I followed.

He turned on the shower. I watched him getting wet. He is looking so damn sexy. He pulled me closer to him. We both bathed under the cold water. He allowed me to use his towel. I dried myself and put back my dress.

"Hey Clare, eat before you leave" he said from my behind

I turned back and said " this is your food, I shouldn't eat this "

- why? You said you are hungry

- well we staff members usually don't get this kind of foods to eat. I don't know if this will suit me or not. Never had these before.

- eat today. If you don't eat how will you know if these are gonna suit you or not? give it a try.

-Are you sure?

- I can order something else for myself to see you again. He winked.

I smiled.

These foods are really good looking and tasty too. These are kind of once in a lifetime chance.

I don't know how people do it but he stared at me all the while I was eating. I felt little awkward. But anyhow I finished my food, looked at myself at the mirror. Yes everything alright.

I carried the used dishes to the kitchen, left them to get washed and went to my room where Dani, my friend and co-worker was also there. She is a blonde Australian of 25. Working with me from past 2 years. She is like my best friend, we share almost everything. Yes, almost but not everything. Anything happens to her she shares with me happily and I share the joy happily . So do I. Anything bad happens to any of us we share our sorrow with each other. We are more like sisters from different mothers. She noticed the smile on my face and got excited.

"Whoa, whoa, I can see a different smile on my dear friend's face. Tell me tell me what it is? tell me what more can surprise me then suddenly getting your job back?" She asked me excitedly.

I smiled and sat on my bed. Dani sat beside me. "It's a man" I said to her blushing.


- whom I served yesterday, paid for the drinks I wasted and that's how I got my job back.

- hey Clare, don't you think he started liking you or maybe he does like you? or no one else will just pay for any random staff member on a ship they met once or twice?

- Shut up Dani. He is a billionaire businessman. He has so many people, so many women around him. why would he start liking a random cruise staff? It's just their one time enjoyment for pleasure.

- Which means he asked you and you did?

- Actually yes

- you don't let any random person touch you and you did almost everything with that passenger? Now this is something interesting? Tell me sweety what's going on inside your that secret mind?

I went close to Dani's ears and whisper to her "I wanted too" and winked.

She blushed excitedly.

- So miss Clare finally you lost your virginity to someone you just met. Let's celebrate this baby.

Suddenly all smile on my face starting to fade away. No, not now, nothing else should come in my mind right now. Everything is so good, everything is going so fine, no past thoughts should sabotage my present.

Dani pulled me up from my bed. "Let's celebrate, Clare come on let's get something from the kitchen for our celebration, ohh it's your celebration. I'm a part of it. Come on" she winked and pulled me out of our room to the kitchen.

"But Dani I am almost full, I can't eat more now" I told her.

- What he feed you sweetheart?

- His Vegan breakfast

- This is amazing Clare, you should try more on him

- It's nothing

Me and Dani sometimes steal food from the kitchen. Yes few times we got caught, but by our friends. They let us go and never complaint about us to anyone. It's fun to grab something which isn't ours or we can say which isn't within our league. We Illegally, unnoticed, escaping the cameras, Steal food from the kitchen we cannot afford. Then bring to our room, lock the door and enjoy the stolen meal.

Today again she entered the kitchen and I followed her. She went to the table where all the egg dishes were kept, grabbed some dishes in foils. I picked some delicious desserts, about to leave looking here and there trying to hide. Suddenly Eric a big, tall, black, middle aged, Indo American, our dining hall waiter noticed me. "Ohh no, not again I don't think this time he's gonna spare us" I thought. Last time when Eric caught me I have to give half of the food I picked to him. This time he's gonna take most of them I guess. He's walking towards me

"So Clare what's up?" Eric said looking at my stolen desserts.

"Actually it's my periods so I am hungry" I said to him

-Aahh really?

- yes, you don't know how it feels during periods we girls feel like grabbing everything we find in front of my eyes. You know I can eat you too if I urge to?

- So is this your third period of the month?

He said with a wicked smile

"What do you mean by third time?"

I asked I don't remember this month saying about periods as my excuse

"Your roommate Dani, last time when she took food illegally, she said you are on periods so you needed some" he said folding his arms.

Ohh this Dani, why she doesn't tell me me on what excuse the picks food? I thought to myself

- Well I don't remember about anything like that I am definitely on my period so let me go.

- Yes Clare, go go, enjoy your periods with these delicious desserts.

He cleared my path and I walked away with a lot of tensions of getting caught again.