Chapter 5 Happy Couples Are Good Of Sight

I smiled, actually I want to spend more time with him and this can be a nice excuse. I really have other things to worry about than what the hell I eat.

He finished his breakfast. I organised all the plates and dishes on my serving trolley and was about to leave though I don't want to, he said " what else what you are doing now other than serving only me?"

- Since you are done with the breakfast, there will be a long time before you order your lunch, so yes I have some other things to do in the kitchen and the dining hall.

Do you get paid more when someone hire you to work only for them?

No no , we almost do nothing else, we always have to be available for them, when someone hire only for themself. We will have to serve only one person throughout the journey and that will generally decrease our work so there is no point of getting paid more. But yes we have to work on other things then serving to that particular room.

- I see

- Yes if the passenger provide us extra tip then that can be our extra income.

- Hmm

I took all the used dishes and left.

When I am about to enter the kitchen to abandon the plates and glasses. I faced Eric.

"Hey" I greeted him

"Hello Clare" he replied

- I'm doing good, how about you?

- all good, perfect

- You look so happy and cherished. It's been a while since you went to deliver the passenger his orders it doesn't take this long to deliver food. Everything alright?

- Yes see, I am looking so cherished. Everything is great. I wanted to leave, but he suggested I should leave after he finishes his breakfast so that I don't have to walk to his room twice.

- this is strange. He appointed you for his benefit and now he is looking at your comfort too? No one does that.

- He did

- But he's rich, he can even pay you more for not twice but ten times to walk into his room. And who the fuck wants to get started while eating?

Until and unless someone wants to get stared so that he can fuck her later, I thought to myself.

"Language Eric" someone yelled from the other side

Oh it's Johnny, he's a mocktail specialist chef, good looking and polite, never indulges in fights and argument, always a clear person.

"None of your business Johnny" Eric yelled back

" It's okay Er, calm down. Don't scream, it's not good for anyone's ear" I said to him

- It sounds beautiful on your voice Clare to hear 'Er'

- Thank you.

I nodded

- How's your periods?

- what? Ohh yes. It's okay. Paining less actually.

I almost forgot what excuse I gave him earlier this morning. It had to be forgotten after what I had between last time I met Eric and now.

I blused

He noticed but said nothing about my blushing

" I think you got the right passenger at the right time" he said

" Yes the right passenger" I said and smiled again.

-You got less work during your periods.

Ohh he was talking about this good reason. Now he will definitely doubt me. I can't stay here more, and reveal more of my excitement here. I have to hide my blushing.

- Okay Eric, I have to go, I have some work. Have a nice day buddy

- You too dear

I completed my kitchen job and left. I know Eric likes me but he is not my type. Is anyone actually of my type, I haven't got any one who is really of my type. I was walking through the corridor when I saw a couple, the boy was holding his arms around the girl and kissing her time to time, the girl also kissed him in between. It looks so beautiful from outside to see people in actual love, even if I don't know what they are in but it looks pretty romantic from my sight. I hope theirs is permanent, will be permanent, and they will have a good future. The girl looks so happy to be with him, I wish the boy don't do anything stupid and hurt her. Men are assholes.

I shouldn't disturb their quality time, I thought, but it is my job to make the passengers take more of our services, our products, and pay us more. So I followed them. They went near the pool in the middle of the ship, sat on a single

Beach chair. I watched from a distance, the guy applied sunscreen on the girl's body. All over her neck, back, hands and legs. After they finished they lied their back on the chair and started cuddling. I went to them.

"Excuse me sir, ma'am. Sorry to interrupt you but it will really be my pleasure if I get to seve you our special pool drinks" I said to them smiling.

"Thank you we are on our anniversary celebration, can you serve us any couple special smoothie?" Said the guy.

Though they don't look married. Married couples are much boring, they spent a lot of time together which gradually make them lose excitement with each other and they becomes boring, still I asked "Ohh congratulations on your anniversary, how long you have been married? Mr. And Mrs.?

"Actually we are not married yet we are on our 2nd relationship anniversary" said the girl

Yes I guessed it right.

"I see, happy 2 years of relationship anniversary to you guys" I said to them

" Thank you" said both of them.

- I can serve you the best strawberry, cherry couple smoothie available on our ship.

- Yes we will appreciate that, please serve us with some raw strawberries I guess it will be more romantic.

- Wonderful choice. You guys have a good taste in food and romance. I am impressed.

- You can also try with your man, he will also like it.

- But before that I need to have a man, I don't have any now. if I ever have one I will definitely try your suggestion.

They both giggled.

I left them beside the pool and went to the juice kitchen to bring their smoothies. This rich people have to celebrate relationship anniversary too in a luxury ship spending thousand of dollars, I thought. I can hardly imagine a marriage anniversary celebrated on a private space. Let's not think about it they can, I can't. Because their world is very different from us. They can buy their happiness I can't. That's why they are rich.

I carried the couple's smoothies and some raw strawberries, and went to them. I placed the serving tray on a a small table decide their beach chair.

" Special romantics smoothies and strawberries for our cutest couple on our ship" I said

"Thank you very much" said the guy.

- Sir, ma'am, your bill will reach your room before lunch. Have a nice day and enjoy your drinks. Now I will leave you guys understand have a great time on our cruise ship.

-Yes we are enjoying a lot

I smiled, they smiled and then I left them on their own. I know it's not ethical to interfere in their private time but this is my job, I had to do this. I don't want any more complains on me that I have to lose my job again, everyday billionaire passengers will not save my job.

I went back to my room. Dani was not there. I pulled out my daily journal out of my suitcase, which is 2 years old, I started writing on it after a year of joining this service in ships. I have named my diary 'Teddy'. I tell Teddy everything I find like happiness, sadness my Teddy is like my best friend. Yes Dani is more close but I like to keep my account of my days. I sat on my bed, and started writing all the beautiful things I experienced this morning. This is a special day and this is just the beginning. I guess this is my best day of my life, I can't think of anything better than this. This is not that bad life, I am having a great time. Today I felt something that I never felt before and that was so pleasuring. I hope I don't fall for Michael. He is so good anyone can fall for him but I don't want to do any stupidity. I know men are assholes. They can't be trusted. Men are good for temporary pleasures but not for long term happiness, not for long term peace. Peace is a myth. Peace doesn't exist in this busy world. I have to leave my every responsibilities to find peace which is not possible for me. I can't die hungry, I can't die without having a roof above my head, I can't die in the shame of being naked, not having any clothes to wear. I have to earn my living take responsibility of myself and I won't be able to find long term peace in this busy schedule of life full of responsibilities. I don't have to take care of any other person or anything because I have nothing. I have nothing to hold myself back, I have only myself to live for and I will live for me....

After I'm done with my journal I kept it aside, leaned my back on the headboard of the bed and got lost in lots of thoughts.