Chapter 16 Emotional Sunset

Clare: I went back to my room, where Dani was already there. As usual, she is wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts to relax during the afternoon break. When she saw me coming inside, she asked " how was your lunch date?"

"That wasn't a date," I said smiling

- I saw you two. I didn't expect he will bring you out of his room and have lunch in a public dining hall.

- neither did I. It was so unusual for me.

- what did you eat? Your favourite turkey? He definitely feeds you the most expensive food available?

- No, he is vegan. I didn't ask for any non-veg dish.

- So, how was it? Sharing someone else's food habit?

- it was less of lunch and more of a vegan session

- Is he any professor?

- he is much aware of it. I don't know why

- you didn't care to ask?

- I did but before answering the topic Changed

- what else?

- In the morning we watched a movie.

- which one?