Chapter 71 Final Decision

Clare: After sitting with him I went back to my room. Then we had our dinner and I went to sleep thinking about what Steve can do. I went to some people for help and nobody tried to help me without taking my body in return and here was Steve who offered to help me without asking anything in return. I was feeling very good to meet him. Steve might be different I thought behave differently with me maybe he behave like this to every other prisoners. I slept thinking about him and wake up next morning with the sound of the buzzer. As usual we went up got fresh and went to the the ground to do our exercises. After coming back when I fetchmy breakfast and went to sit in a table I saw Steve coming towards me.

"Hello Steve" I welcomed him

"Hi how are you doing?" He asked me and sit in front of me on the table.

"Everything is going okay till now, how are you doing in your work?" I asked about him to and he replied in a positive way.