Chapter 23 23| Boyfriend Between Us

I tapped my fingers on the desk. I didn't know what to do.

It was the last class of the day and I could think of nothing but how to get a freaking boyfriend in a day.

I shouldn't have done what I did.

I left the tapping and put my fingers in my mouth, biting down on my nails.

What are my options?

A. Accept that I can't have a boyfriend. No way in hell will I do that.

B. Find someone who can actually bear to be my boyfriend. Hardest task ever.

C. Date Darren. Not a bad idea but I'll do that if I have no choice. And for even thinking that, I feel truly horrible.

At least I have the last option if I didn't find someone else.

I looked around the class. All the boys were either nerdy, studios and single or hot, smart and taken. Even the cute ones were taken.

Maybe I wouldn't get anyone after all. Brian was right. I just didn't have the guts to go and tell a boy that I like him.