-I Just Wanna Talk

I finally got home and my wolf couldn't have been any happier I could feel at the restlessness from her turned into excitement and anticipation.

I quickly got off my baby and dropped my backpack by a tree and headed into the forest behind my house. I instantly started to undress, as I was just as in need of this run as my wolf was, and shifted into my wolf.

She was beautiful she was fully white except for the grey tips on her ears and the tip of her tail was the same as her ears.

I shook out my fur slightly and then took off into the forest running full speed as I felt the wind run through my fur and the trees whizzing past as nothing but blurs of brown and green. I listened as smaller creatures scurried away as they heard me approach. Ignoring them I focused on getting to my destination, my secret getaway.

I ran until I got to my favorite spot in these woods. It was a really big rock that I lay on and a big pond that was right under the big rock. I always come here to think and relax because it's such a calm and soothing place where even my wolf has grown to admire.

I onto the giant boulder that oversaw the small pond then proceeded to lay my head down on my paws and just listened to the birds chirping and the other animals running around. I stayed like that listening to my surroundings and thinking about random things until my peaceful moment was ruined by a heavier animal running as I could hear the impact of its feet hitting the ground.

I didn't think anything of it until I heard it get closer in my direction then I heard a twig snap and automatically I am in a defensive position ready to attack.

I jump up on all four paws and I start sniffing and searching trying to find the source of the sound and at first, I don't see anything, then it comes out.

A fully black wolf, except for the tips of the ears those are white, is standing a couple of feet away from me just watching me and waiting for my next move.

From the power coming off of him I can tell he's an alpha so on instinct I start to bare my teeth and growl daring the intruder to come closer. At this point, my Alpha genes kick in and I am going to defend my territory from the other Alpha.

But to my surprise, he lays down on his belly a sign that he's not here to fight. I stopped my growling and tilted my head to the left as I didn't understand why this wolf wasn't trying to attack me I mean I am a rouge.

I didn't understand why until it hit me, his smell was the most mouth-watering smell that has ever hit my nose.

Mate that's mate go to mate

My wolf was jumping happily around in my head

I could smell him forever he smelled like pine trees and chocolate and it was heavenly.

I jumped off the rock in excitement at finally seeing our mate. After all this time he finally found us and maybe now my life could start. I now stood about four feet from him he stood up slowly as to not scare me his wolf was pretty big actually the same size as mine.

Being this close I can smell another scent mixed with his then I saw it, the mark of another she-wolf on his neck.

My wolf howled in pain knowing that her mate had been marked by someone else. She knew right then our mate didn't want us and he belonged to someone else even if we didn't want him to.

I start to back away from him and he quickly takes a step towards me and tries to close the distance but I growl at him in warning showing my teeth once again the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

He stops and runs behind a tree coming out and let me tell you damn was this man sexy he had black hair, tattoos, and piercings god was that sexy. He now had basketball shorts hung loosely on his hips leaving a perfect view of his chest

"Wait ....please..don't leave.... just change back I wanna meet my mate," he says in the sexiest voice I've ever heard it almost made me want to do what he said.

wait does he have an accent? Italian? No, it can't be Italian.

I shake my wolf head telling him no as I remembered my reason for trying to leave. My eyes dart back and forth from his face to the mark on his neck as to clue him in as to why I am leaving.

"Please I wanna meet my mate you have no idea how long I've waited to meet you," he asked again clearly not getting the clue.

I snorted and nodded to the mark on his neck this time he notices it and his face lights up with understanding before he tries again.

"No wait please it's not what it looks like," he says but I am done listening to what he has to say and turn ready to run.

I hear the shredding of his basketball shorts and I know he's shifted to try to stop me but he doesn't have a chance.

I take off running in the opposite way of my house just to lose him and make sure he can't find me or track my scent to my house.

I can hear him right behind me and I speed up after a while I don't hear him anymore so I stop and turn around to go home.

I know I made a mistake because I smell him before I see him and I know he knows where I'm at.

Next thing I know I'm pinned down by a black wolf who smells like heaven and let's not forget the fucking sparks going through my body that took me by surprise giving him time to put his head in my neck and take in my scent. Shaking my head I brake the stupid mate bond trance and immediately anger fills me at the audacity he has.

I growl and push him off now we're circling each other and I'm waiting for him to make a move but he doesn't instead he shifts back and is fully naked in front of me and I am trying hard to keep my wolf from looking away from his eyes.

"Please I just wanna talk give me a chance to explain myself" he begs me pleading with his eyes his body prepared to leap and shift in case I decide to run again.

I nod and head to a tree stepping behind it I shift to make it easier to communicate with him.

"Talk," I said never leaving the safety of the tree.

"Look it's not what it looks like," he says

"Really cause it looks like you let another she-wolf mark you," I said not able to contain mine and my wolfs anger anymore.

"No you have no idea how long I've waited for you," he says and I can hear him try to come closer to the tree I am behind

"Stop," I say and get ready to shift but his footsteps stop

"Okay just listen, my names Jose Perez and I am Alpha of my pack the Blue Moon pack and I started losing hope of ever finding you," he says taking another step closer

"Well you found me and you seem to already have a god damn mate so can we get this over with," I said alienating any emotion in my voice

"I'm not gonna reject..." he tried to say but I cut him off, if he wasn't gonna do it I sure the hell was

"I Amber Whitesides reject you..." before I could even finish that sentence I was being tackled to the floor by a giant wolf and I instantly shift before he saw me naked.

I push him off of me and take off running into the forest with him right behind me once again.

So I go as fast as my wolf allows me and lose him in seconds.

I make a full loop around back to the lake and get in the water to end the trail of my scent then I mask my scent and go home and as I walk in my door I hear a howl.

A heartbroken howl that means a wolf misses its mate.

'Mates in pain go to mate he needs us'

'He didn't seem to need us when he let another she-wolf mark him'

My wolf whimpers and blocks the connection. Well, it's not like my life could get any worse from this point.