Ramen Ichiraku - 3 (REWRITE)

Ramen Ichiraku - 3

Naruto woke up with no sore body since his trusted buddy healed him. Thinking about that 'buddy,' he decided it was enough time and thought of visiting him after my morning rituals.

After brushing his teeth, exercising, and taking a bath, he sat down to go to his mindscape.


When he went inside, he expected another roar or an angry insult.

What he saw baffled him. The same orange fox which was roaring and cursing him is now silent. Kurama bent his body in submission and showed a sad expression.

"Mas-ster… I am sorry for my behavior yesterday." Kurama spoke meekly.

Hearing Kurama speak, Naruto would have turned on if Kurama was a shy girl.

Naruto actually was quite repulsed seeing Kurama acting like this. " Stop acting like a sad puppy… I forgive you already. But remember that this will be the last warning, or I will punish you." Naruto said in a stern voice.

He already realized that the gem started working and turned him into… this.

Kurama nodded his head like a hen.

"Thank you, master! I WILL NOT FORGET IT," Kurama said.

Scratching his ears in annoyance, Naruto decided to test to see if Kurama really turned loyal and how far it extends.

" Kurama, who is your father?" Naruto asked.

Kurama replied, " The Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, Master. He divided the Jubi into Nine beasts, and each named us and adopted us."

Naruto thought, ' He neither questioned why nor how he knew his name. He even called me Master, as I realized now, and it sounds really nice.'

"So Kurama, I read in many sacred books(Fan-Fiction) * cough* Is it true that you can make me a half-fox demon by drinking your blood? Can you turn into a sexy Milf with a fox tail and ears?" He needed to ask this since it is imperative to the readers.

Kurama, hearing Naruto, thought, 'Is the Master feeling alright? I am concerned about what the villagers did to his brain. Oh! Poor master… I will avenge you.'

" Master, I don't know where you read it, but it's wrong. I cannot turn into a thing called Milf… At most, I can decrease my size to a normal animal. But I can give you my flesh since it can turn your chakra into my red chakra. It can boost your fire affinity and give you the best talent in Genjutsu."

Naruto was very embarrassed when he asked, and he turned even more, when he noticed that Kurama looked at him as if he was an idiot, but later turned into concern which caused him to turn almost red in embarrassment. Still, he didn't show it on his face.

Seeing my silence as patience, he continued.

"Eating my flesh is a dangerous thing. The risks are that you can explode, or your chakra pathways can be crippled. Since I am here, I can help with it without any problems. The only issue is that those white-eyed and red-eyed freaks can see your chakra turned red. Even a good sensor can see something wrong with your chakra." Kurama finished his explanation.

"Oh! Forget it. When I am proficient in Fuinjutsu, I will take that risk and also release your seal. I will be going now. I'll let you know if I need anything. By the way, my chakra control is getting messed up. Is there a way you can control when I learn control exercise? So It won't go down every time your chakra purifies and turns it mine?"

[A/n: Since Kurama's chakra is bad for humans, Minato added a purifier to the seal.]


When he opened his eyes, Naruto thought, 'I am an idiot asking him those things. Oh well, what is done is done.'

Getting up, he started making his way to the Hokage's office as planned.

The Hokage Residence is a large mansion occupied by the Hokage during their reign and is located close to both the Academy and Hokage monument. It is also one of the most guarded buildings in Konoha, towering over most other buildings. There is also the kanji for "Fire" printed on the roof of the building.

When Naruto reached the building, he was overwhelmed seeing how big it was, and he sensed over a dozen Anbu hidden in the shadows.

As he was walking inside, he was preparing what he would say. When he saw the secretary, there was recognition in her eyes. Before Naruto said anything, the secretary spoke.

Before he could say anything, he was beaten by the Secretary, who said, "Wait outside and let me inform Hokage-sama that you have arrived."

After she left, Naruto waited outside for a few minutes and thought, 'I didn't hear a single thing… it was probably a seal, like a soundproof seal or a barrier.'

Suddenly, the secretary came outside and said, " He is ready. You may proceed. And Before you leave…"

She spoke some procedures of how Naruto should behave, blah blah. After she was done, Naruto bowed, which surprised her, so she gave me a nod. After he went in, the door was closed.


When I reached, I saw many pictures on the wall. One that surprised me was the Minato Namikaze–Fourth Hokage. I was surprised how closely I resembled him without my animal mustache. The phrase "The fire's shadow illuminates the village" was underneath the picture. I stared at him for a few seconds, then looked at the current Hokage – Hiruzen Sarutobi.

When I saw his emotions were surprise, worry, and guilt. I guess he thought I recognized Minato as my father. I stayed quiet since I was supposed only to answer when questioned because I wanted to make the best impression possible.

Hokage, noticing my actions, thought, 'I guess he recognized his father. Like father like son, they both are geniuses'

"I see that you are interested in Minato. He was the best Shinobi I have ever seen. He firmly believes in the Will of Fire; his favorite phrase was, "The fire's shadow illuminates the village." Even though he stayed in Hokage's seat for a short time, he truly loved the village. But, unfortunately, he passed away so soon." Then he went on to rant about how the Will of fire is important and how the village is one enormous family.

I couldn't say help but curse the Hokage. 'Go suck a dick, old man. I am trying very hard to stay awake. I am not even a Shinobi, yet you started your brainwashing? Damn, I need to learn from you.'

So I kept nodding my head, indicating I also believed or was "enlightened." The Hokage was clearly happy since I could see the Dumbledore smile on his face.

Hokage, after finishing his thoughts, "Good, I can see that he is turning into a righteous Shinobi. All I need to do is to be there for him as a grandfather.'

I noticed he glanced at a shadow. I used my {Mind Eye} to see an Anbu with purple hair nodding her head.

The Hokage cleared his throat and said, "*Ahem* Excuse me, sorry for boring you, Naruto. Let's go take a walk to a ramen shop."

While we were walking, the Hokage asked me if I wanted to move to an apartment. But, of course, I said no; I got used to living in the wilderness. Which made him sad, but he didn't say anything.

When we arrived, I saw an open shop with half-curtains hanging and a store sign that said.

"Ramen Ichiraku," I think, means 'ramen is the best pleasure.'

Hiruzen turned toward me outside the shop and said, "Naruto, this is where I got the ramen coupons from. It has the best ramen I have ever tasted and is called Ramen Ichiraku."

Hearing his voice, an old man wearing a chef hat and an apron came outside to greet us. "Hokage-sama, if you want something, you should send someone. Then I can send Ayame to deliver it to you."

When I saw him, I thought, 'Myth busted. Myth busted. I couldn't sense anything extraordinary besides jounin chakra, so no Otsutsuki Teuchi.'

Next to him was a young girl. I guess her name was Ayame. The daughter of the chef and owner, Teuchi.

She is an average girl, yet she can fight with the top models on earth. Damn anime girls.

She looked at me, especially my hair and red ruby eyes.

When Teuchi saw me, he was surprised and smiled warmly. He knew both my father and mother well since my mother Kushina loves ramen; she always comes here.

As we walked inside, Hiruzen replied, "It's okay, Teuchi. I came here for little Naruto. I want miso pork ramen."

Turning towards me, who was sitting next to him, he asked, "What do you want, Naruto?"

"Same as Hokage-sama, please." I replied.

After Teuchi left, I noticed that I was not seeing anyone other than Anbu present around us in the shadows. Clearly, this old man prepared when he heard that I came to meet him.

" So Naruto, you are pretty young, yet you live alone in the forest, even as far as declining my offer. Why is that?" Hiruzen questioned. It looked like he didn't give up and really wanted me to live in the apartment.

I guess I can make up some sad story and gain some sad points, further making him more guilty.

"Hokage-Jiji, since I could remember, nobody liked me. The kids do not play with me at all. All they do is bully me, and when I turned five, the matron kicked me out, stating I was old enough to live by myself."

He acted surprised, but his emotions showed that it was fake.

Naruto continued, "I didn't have any money,"

'which is a lie since I had money when I was thrown out, but he didn't need to know that.'

"So I went to the forest to live and hunt small animals. After a few months, I got used to it, I started liking it since it was peaceful and nobody scolded me and told me what to do. I even made a friend with a lion cub; I still have not given him a name yet. However, some villagers see me as a monster, which makes me really sad. Jiji, am I really a monster?" I said while showing a 'sad' face.

After finishing my story, other than being fake surprised, he was genuinely angry.

Glancing at a shadow nearby, the same purple-haired Anbu nodded her head and left.

I think she went to check and investigate what I had said. I know I threw my matron under the bus, but who cares?

Finally, Hiruzen looked at me, feeling sad and guilty.

"Don't worry, Naruto, they mistake you for someone else. They don't mean any harm to you. You got me, Naruto. I consider you my grandson. So I'll give you a monthly allowance of around 30,000 ryo to spend, but please spend carefully since you only get that once a month." Hiruzen said.

'30,000… really? Fu*k, old man. That is barely D-rank pay. Where the f*ck is my parents' money?' I couldn't help but curse him.

Calming myself, I resolved, 'Don't worry, old man, I will milk you dry… no homo, though.'

I smiled fake and said, "Thank you, Jiji. You are the only person who is nice to me. I will become a great Shinobi, and then they will all respect me."

While we were talking, our food came. After we said Itadakimasu, I thought, 'Damn, I always wanted to say that,' so we started eating. After eating, I asked Hokage

"Jiji, I heard that you need to be good at the three basic Jutsu: Transformation, Clone Technique, and finally Body Replacement Technique to graduate from the academy," I said.

The Hokage nodded his head.

"So when I asked a person with a green vest if he could teach me, he said I had too much chakra, and I can't clone Jutsu without good chakra control, then I asked him to teach me. He then taught me the Leaf Exercise."

Hokage thought, who would teach me with my reputation? The only person who came to his mind was the white-haired person who liked to read an orange book.

"I have tried it now, and now I can stick ten leaves to my body, but even after doing that, I can't do the Clone Jutsu. So, can you tell me how I can graduate without learning the Clone Jutsu Jiji? Can you help me?" As you can see, I clearly want him to teach me Shadow Clone or the better one, The Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Hiruzen's white hair almost fell off, hearing Naruto could already stick ten leaves on him at his age.

' He can already sit patiently doing the Leaf exercise at this age? He is really a genius. Humm… I need to reward him so he won't get angry or discouraged. I can make him rely on me or the village by giving an alternate Jutsu. Furthermore, I can also repay Minato. Oh, I know he has a monstrous chakra; he is already at Jonin level, and by the end of the Academy, he should be at Kage level. The Shadow Clone and Multi-Shadow clone should be a suitable reward.' Hiruzen thought.

Then he said, "Well, Naruto, I have something which can help you if you get rank 1 in your first year of the Academy. I will give a Jutsu called {Shadow Clone Jutsu}, and it's a B-rank Jutsu. But if you get Rookie of the Year in the Academy, I will provide you with a better Jutsu than B-Rank. It's called the {Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu}. The Second Hokage created it. So it should be a secret between us, okay?"

I smiled, since I didn't need to steal the scroll now. I can even bust Mizuki and get extra merit points.

"Yay! Thank you, Jiji. I promise to do well at the academy. I won't break my promise," I said while hugging him.

Hokage smiled after finally seeing me act around my age. Then, after talking for some time, the Hokage said he needed to go back to work and let him know if I needed anything.

After saying goodbye and thanking Ayame and Teuchi, I saw the sky in the afternoon, so i planned to travel around the village to get a better look and visit many training grounds to learn/copy some Jutsus and some moves from the Shinobi.

So I learned to sneak since it would be helpful.

I ran a lap around the village and went back to that camp as it got dark.

It's been a while since I've seen my status, so let us see 'Status.'