He got his ass whopped

" " – Speaking.

' ' – Talking in mind.

( ) – The Author's words.

[ ] – Auther's explaining.

Naruto: Today is the physical examination. *Puff* it's going to be easy. How can a bunch of weaklings go against me? First, let's check my status – 'STATUS.'

{System - Status

Name: Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki

Title: The Demon Fox of Konoha.

Age: 6

Rank: Academy Student


Strength: High-Genin

Dexterity: Low-Chunin

Intelligence: Special Jonin

Chakra: Mid-Jonin

Chakra Control: 73%

Affinity: Lightning, Wind, Water, and Earth.


[ A/N: Only this much information will be shown since everything else is useless. I will show you if there is anything new added]

Since I got my student ID, I can buy some equipment and tools and throw my rusted ones.

All the students are in training. They are divided into groups

Hinata's group was Ino Yamanaka, Sakura Haruno, Cannon Fodder 1, Cannon Fodder 2, and Cannon Fodder 3.

My group is Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino.

I think the old man or someone wants to put all the clan heirs with me to test who was the best among them. Who cares? I am winning anyway.

First was the race.

Hinata won by a large margin in the race in her group. If she didn't, I would have spanked her later.

The second was Ino; I needed to get close to her for her clan's Jutsu. I mean, her clan techniques are overpowered. Taking control of someone's body? Transmit your voice telepathically? Reading memories?; imagine gaining all their skills. I can copy all their secrets.

The third was Cannon Fodder 2, which is not supervising since Sakura had already started dieting before the academy started. I need to teach her later tch.. another headache. I wouldn't have bothered with her if she wasn't talented in medical Jutsu and is super loyal. ( Has a big ass *wink*).

Sakura has been quiet since this past week. She didn't yell with her obnoxious voice, or she didn't show her temper. Her emotions were conflicted. One second he is happy, and a second later, she is sad. What the fuck? Make up your damn it.

When I heard Iruka call my group, Sasuke walked up to me and tried to give me a shoulder bump which I clearly saw, so I dogged; he almost tripped but balanced himself. I earned a glare from him for that. But I don't care, and I am whopping your ass at the upcoming Taijutsu match next month.

When everyone stood on their respective to get ready, I sped through when Iruka gave us a go. Everyone was except Hinata, surprised at my speed. When Kiba and Sasuke saw my speed, they got angry and tried to push themselves.

I could hear Hinata cheering loudly for me. Next to her, I saw Ino make up her mind and start cheering for me. Almost all of the clan girls were cheering for me. Few civilians were cheering for Sasuke. Poor Kiba, only his dog was cheering for him; Hm… he brought a dog, so can I also bring Nori as my 'pet'? I'll ask the teacher later. Well…Well, this is interesting. The pink-haired obnoxious girl is silent? Who cares.

After running, we did parkour but with deadly traps. But, of course, I got the first place which further instigated Sasuke and Kiba to start yelling about Alpha-Male or some shit like that.

I broke the previous so-called 'geniuses' records. After that, Sasuke fumed because I broke his big brother's record. Which caused my supposed fan girls to cheer loudly. After that, some started accusing I cheated, but they shut their mouths when my fangirls glared.

We got a break in between and got ready for the last exam, the Taijutsu match with the instructors on who can last longer. So everyone sat down, waiting for names to be called. I was called first.

Iruka: Who would have thought someone from my troublesome class broke all the records, even the fourth Hokage's records. It seems he is a talented boy, and I need to inform the Hokage so that Naruto won't feel his classmates dragging him down.

" NEXT Naruto Uzumaki VS Chunin Mizuki"

Mizuki: Let me see what you got, demon brat. Does he think he is a little talented? Do not worry. Even If I can't kill you, I can "accidentally" cripple you.


Naruto: When I heard Iruka,

Mizuki immediately rushed forward and threw a kick aimed at my neck. From its speed, an academy should not be able to see or block it. As the kick got closer to my neck, Mizuki saw that I stood motionless and thought he was too fast. He lowered his guard with a grin, but I never did.

When I saw that his shoulder was relaxed and his kick came close, I bent my head dodged the kick and threw an elbow punch at his abdomen, which caused his eyes to widen and bend down his head. This is a perfect opportunity for me to jump, grab his head with my hands, and give him a Muay Thai knee kick.

This is my first fight against a human. So when I felt my knee go through his face, I felt AMAZING—watching him fall back, swirling around on the ground like a pig with a bloody nose. I was in a state of euphoria. Suddenly it stopped.

Tch… I wanted to enjoy the feeling more, but my gamer mind kicked in. Now I know why there is an option to turn off Gamer Mind. I want to turn it off now and experience that ecstasy again, but I thought that was stupid since I never experienced anything without Gamer Mind after coming to this world. I don't know what will happen. When I get super strong, I'll try some fights without it.

I always wanted to use a knee kick full power on someone to test. Since I have seen a youtube video on Muay Thai.

I felt my right knee wet, I didn't look down since the fight had not ended yet, and Mizuki was probably pissed.

Mizuki feels back. He was rolled on the ground from pain. He was surprised when he touched his nose, and his hand was covered in blood. He yelled

Mizuki: Wha… how… " I... I... WILL KILL YOUU, KYUBI BRATTTT!"

Then he grabbed a kunai from his back and rushed at him.

Naruto: Oh, you're approaching me? And I can sense Anbu rushing too. So let me show off, but not too much, um... C-rank should not be too much. If I show off too much, I will get in trouble. So I used five seals within a second.

[ Wind Release: Great Breakthrough] - Naruto.

My Jutsu pushed him back, and he rolled to the ground. An Anbu came in and said they would take it over. Then left with him. He is probably to get executed or tortured for yelling an S-Ranked secret.

So there go my merits of capturing him at the end of the academy.

When Anbu left, everyone was quiet. Nobody said a word believing what had happened. They thought Naruto was going to get beat up. Instead, they watched Naruto beat an instructor, and the instructor tried to kill HIM. AND watched a person the same age use NINJUTSU!.

Ino couldn't keep quiet and started clapping and yelling something like cool and handsome. All the fangirls heard her and started competing with Ino for cheering.

Iruka: I don't even know what to say!. I feel sad that my best friend(Mizuki) said those things to him. Both our parents died, but I made peace with them, but he didn't. He has changed since then. Even his girlfriend noticed him talking to a snake-like person and some shady people. I was supposed to monitor him. I wanted to change him back, but it's too late now. I mean, his girlfriend is kind of ho-*shaking my head* Now I need to get the class under control.

" Okay, everyone, we take a break for some time. I'll inform you soon."

After some time, the matches started again.

Hinata did excellently. She didn't get hurt and lasted full 10mins. Since I trained her, her overall combat power should be around Genin.

Sasuke's turn, he decided to show off, but he got his ass whopped but lasted for some time.

Sakura's performance was…

Ino's performance was okay, I guess. I mean it, she did better than Sakura which was surprising since, in the Chunin exam, she and Sakura tied. I think she didn't want to hurt her rival/best friend?

Shikamaru gave up, and Choji seeing his friend gave up; also gave up.

After our Taijutsu match, we got our score and ranking; the ranking was

Naruto Uzumaki

Hinata Hyuga

Sasuke Uchiha

Kiba Inuzuka

Shino Aburama

Ino Yamanaka

Some Cannon fodder

Sakura Haruno

We don't care about others.

So after the academy, everyone congratulated me, and we went on our way.

[ A/N: So how was the chapter, everyone? Why is Sakura quiet? How does Sasuke react when Naruto flirts with his mom? Well, find out in the next chapter.]