Is it a Plane? No, Is it a Crocodile? No! It’s A MILF.

[A/N: For people who are confused about his "Sharingan," let me explain.

He doesn't have Sharingan. His eyes have the power of three tomoe, so no Uchiha blood. He will always have the powers without needing to 'open' them since they are always opened. He has red eyes because of mutation since he asked God to be passed on to his bloodline.

MC's thought process:

Naruto currently doesn't have any idea of having a harem; he just sees others as pawns. Of course, he will love his harem members in the future, but now.

MC's ambition is not high yet. Currently, he wants to be a solid pillar for Konoha. So he doesn't have any idea about starting a clan yet.

I am saying this is because some people might say, Oh, this is a harem, but why is he so passive to the girls, and why is he not actively searching for them.

MC was just a college student. But, as the story goes, his ambition grows. That's all I am going to say.]

After the physical exam, Anbu reported the Hokage.

At the Hokage's office

Hokage: "A C-rank, you say? Interesting" As I saw Naruto's profile.


Name Naruto Uzumaki. ( Since his father's last name was erased from records and hidden).

Alias: None

Age: 6

Chakra: Jonin

Affinity:??? – High probability with Wind and Water.

Strengths: Mastered the three chakra control exercises. Good at Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, likes to work hard, and a sensor; tested 50meters. He can use a C -rank Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, and he wasn't tired after performing. He has completed five hand seals in a second.

Intelligence: He is a brilliant child. He has already made friends with most clan heirs and shows to win many arguments with Nara Shikamaru.

Weakness: Like most Jinchuriki, probably weak at Genjutsu. – Not confirmed. His age.

Overall combat power: Can go head to head with a Chunin.

Additional Notes:

Naruto trains most of the day.

He has a lion cub called Nori as a pet.

He always hangs with Hinata Hyuga.

Currently seem to be interested in Fuinjutsu.

After looking at this report, Hokage signed.

With his monstrous chakra doing ninjutsu at his age needs good Chakra-Control; we have another Itachi here. From the speed he is progressing, he should be stronger than Itachi. I heard that he is searching for Guy for Taijutsu. I will let Guy know to keep a lookout for Naruto. If Naruto asks him to train, I'll tell Guy to test him and let Guy teach him properly.

It's good that he is interested in Hinata, and she looks like a sweet girl. I need to talk to Hiashi to see if he could arrange a marriage between them. Since he is worried about his younger daughter getting the caged bird seal, she won't have that problem if she is married to Naruto. As a Hokage, I can guarantee that Naruto will be a strong pillar of Konoha. I plan to take him as an apprentice, keep Danzo away, keep Naruto under my control, and slowly make him loyal as I did to Kakashi and Minato.

Regrettably, Kakashi's father committed suicide. However, it needed to happen since, around that time, the Senju Clan was slowly diminishing by giving Danzo power to experiment on them for wood style. As a result, the Daimyo questioned my Hokage power, so Sukomo needed to die since he gained a lot of political power. With his dead, Suna also backed away.

Danzo was always bold, but currently, he is quiet. If I weren't stupid enough to divide my powers between the counsel in my younger days, I wouldn't have trouble dealing with them now. However, I can't deal with Danzo yet. His spies are many, and they have infiltrated many villages. If they heard Danzo was dead, the root would start another bloodbath; currently, Konah is weak from the Kyubi incident. Later I got to know why Tobirama-sensei rejected the root division.

The counsel even lowers the academy standards to get their kids into school. And they are getting their kids with the clan heirs to increase their own status. Even Mebuki Haruno dared to tell me to keep Naruto away? Tch… I hold no power; currently, all my disciples are grown and left the village.

Since Tsunade is my disciple, she was undoubtedly disappointed when she discovered that Senju's death rate in the war was the highest. She probably killed Kaito Dan since he is a root spy who was installed to keep an eye on her behavior. Politically I cant touch Tsunade, so I couldn't only approve Danzo's decision on this matter. Sadly, she left.

Orochimaru was a genius. He is truly my most favored. I knew he had been obsessed with immortality since his parent's death. I thought I could gain his loyalty by being there for him during his hard time, but I miscalculated by sending him to root. Danzo and he went behind my back and hid Yamato. So I took Kakashi from him.

Jiraiya is truley a navie child. Even though he is not talented as the other two, he makes on hard work. He left Kohona in search of his own passions. But his spy network is handy.

Coming back to Naruto, since he is interested in Fuinjutsu, I could give him a few books we salvaged from the Uzushiogakure. Again regrettable, they need to die since they control our borders with seals. It's dangerous to let them grow. Even though Tobirama-sensei trusted them, I never did, people change, and I needed the forbidden seal of Uzumaki as well. So I gave their location to the other Great Villagers for some benefits. It's astonishing how powerful that clan was; they killed everyone, all the enemies on the attack but sadly died with them, giving us enough time to scavenge the ruins.

We also need to have the allegiance of our tailed beast, so they needed to die. I even arranged for Kumo to kidnap Kushina so Minato could save her with Elite Anbu, following to earn her love and loyalty since I heard Jiraiya mention that Minato likes Kushina. I was pretty worried since the Uchiha girl Mikato was getting close to her.

Talk about Uchiha. Like Nara says, It's getting more and more troublesome to deal with them. But I shouldn't worry since Fugaku is a coward (and a Masochist *ahem*). I don't have to worry since I made Itachi my spy. If the Uchiha gets out of control, then there is only one way that is-"

Suddenly Anbu gave me another report. It is the report of Mizuki. The IT Department (Interrogation and Torture Department) got a lot of information from him.

From his report. Mizuki plans to kill Naruto, steal the Scroll of Seal, and run away with Oto-ninja. I told the Anbu to

"Find out where he got the information about Scroll of Seal. Find these ninjas and see if they approach anyone else. Then kill Mizuki, look for details of his fiancé, and check if she is in on any of his plots. If she is guilty, our boys work hard in the IT department so let them have fun with her. Finally, increase the security on Naruto." The Anbu bowed and left.

Hokage: I hope you are loyal to the village Naruto or that poor girl(Hinata) will suffer.

[A/N: Don't worry, nothing will happen to Hinata, it's just his thought process since he is spending a lot of resources on Naruto rather than sending him to the root.

People might say Hiruzen is darker than in the cannon. But, in the cannon, Naruto is useless, so Hiruzen is not interested in him rather than gaining his loyalty and being the village's weapon. He is far more outgoing since he sees Naruto as a future pillar to increase his power and prestige.]

"Bring Naruto to me." A shadow left quickly.

< At Naruto >


It's been hectic since yesterday, many people are avoiding me, and Sasuke looks like he wants to rape me or something. At least I can take a break tomorrow and buy some tools. However, I sensed an Anbu coming toward me, so I raised my guard. The Anbu said

"Hokage-sama wants to talk to you." I sensed he didn't lie or have any malicious intent from him, so I nodded my head. Then Anbu held my shoulder, and Body Flickered away.

He dropped me off in front of the building and went to his respective position. I told the secretary that the Hokage wanted to see me. She nodded her head went in to confirm then came back to tell me to go inside. I bowed my head and then went inside.

When I went inside, the Hokage was signing some documents. But unfortunately, he still didn't figure out the key to his paperwork, even after leaving him with a hint. So I waited for him to speak.

Hokage: "Hello, Naruto, hows did you do in the exam yesterday? I heard about the incident with your instructor. Don't concern about him; he was drunk and was speaking rubbish."

Naruto: Bullshit! You act like you do not read the Anbu reports of mine you get every day.

"I did good, Jiji. I even got the first rank in everything. But, let me tell you, Sasuke-emo was pissed. It was so funny seeing him trying to contain her anger. So you better hold on to that scroll Jiji cause I don't break my promises. But you promised me that Hinata would be on my team. "

Hokage: Smiles " Yes, I told you she should study hard and get the best Kinochi of the Year, then I'll put her on your team."

Naruto: "Okay, Jiji, can I bring Nori to school?"

Hokage: "Some procedures need to be done, so Nori doesn't harm anyone. Give me some time, and next year, you can take him to the school with you."

Naruto: Nah! I ain't going to the academy next year. I am just going to send my shadow clone.

"Bye, Jiji; it's getting dark, and Nori is probably worried about me. See yeah."

< Next day >

Naruto woke up when he felt someone licking him. He woke up late since he didn't have school today.

Naruto: "Hey buddy, you hungry? Let me do my morning workout, and after eating, we talk a walk around the village to buy some ninja gear."

After finishing his morning workouts and eating, they set out on their journey to the marketplace.


Kunai – Check

Shuriken – Check

Paper/smoke bomb – Check.

New drip – Check.

Training weights – Check.

Okay, done, let's start going back.

As I was about to turn, I turned. I saw Sasuke staring at me.

'The hell Is he staking me?'

Then I saw his mother next to him, when she saw me, she smiled and signed me to come closer.

Mikoto: Is see Kushina; your boy will be a lady killer in the future. From what I heard from my son, he is a smart boy, so you don't have to worry about him. I am sorry I couldn't adopt him. I only hope you can forgive me. Let's leave the depressing stuff. Let's greet him ufufu…

"~Ara ~Ara, so you are the boy Naruto my Sasuke is friends with, em? I heard many things from my son."

[ A/N; Her personality was bland in the cannon, I wouldn't say I liked that, so I made her character close to someone's mother we may all know *wink*]

Naruto: My blood started pumping when I heard her say that, for some reason.

"Only good thing, I suppose. Hello Sasuke, I don't know you have a beautiful sister."

Mikoto: "Haha... you seem to have a sweet mouth. So adorable. I am Mikoto, you can call me Aunty Mikoto. I am Sasuke's mother."

She started pulling his cheeks and pulled him into a hug smothering him with her melons.

Naruto: *Hiss* this is so heavenly, is this heaven? I can't breathe. Is this how I die? NOOO! I still have an ambition, but it's fine. I worked hard, and I deserve a reward. But, NOO, my image will be destroyed. So I pulled back reluctantly.

When I turned to Sasuke, he seemed to have a smug face.. tch.. just you wait at the upcoming Taijutsu. See what I do to your face.

Next, my companion, Nori, was on my shoulder.

Mikoto: "Who do you have here? Is this your companion? it's so adorable."

As she took Nori from my shoulders and started smothering him with her breasts. Unlike me, he gave up pride and started to enjoy those melons. Tch.. betrayer!

Naruto: "Yes, he is my companion, and his name is Nori. He seems to like you; he is not good with other people than Hinata."

Mikoto: "He seems to be a good boy. Do you have anywhere else to go? Come to our house and you can play with Sasuke."

Naruto: Oh, this is an excellent opportunity. Now I can get closer to her and get the layout of the Uchiha residence.

"Okay, Mikoto-san."

Mikoto gave me a warm smile then we all started walking to the Uchiha area. Though I did sense my Anbu guard leaving, and there are more?. It looks like the old man found out about Mizuki's plan and increased my security.

It's fine your worth will be over soon.