Taijutsu Match

Sasuke and Shino started fighting. I noticed from Sasuke's fighting that he is a lot stronger than the cannon version. From the smug looks he is giving me today, I guess he awakened his Sharingan. Awaking Sharingan at the age of 6 is pretty good. The fight ended when Shino was kicked out of the ring. Sasuke walked out arrogantly like a peacock. His small number of fangirls roared like he won a World Cup or Olympics.

Next was Choji and wanna be Hokage.

The wanna-be Hokage started sprouting some bullshit when they got inside the circle.

Cannon fodder 1: " I will be Hokage after defeating you. BELIEVE IT!"

Choji was looking at him and thought: What will O-Kaa san make today?? Will I reach before Tou-san reaches home by dinner time?

Iruka: What the hell is this cannon fodder sporting?? Why is Choji standing still and rubbing his belly and slightly drooling?


The fight went with Choji body slamming the poor kid and knocking him out while he was still in monologue.

Next was Shikamaru and me.

We got inside the circle. I was excited to fight Shika since he is tactically a genius, and I wanted to see if I could beat Shika with some tactics.

Shika looked serious, not lazy all the time. He looked ready to kill me, which got me pumped up since I never saw him this serious. So I am excited about what he will do.

Shikamaru: What a drag! since Naruto is super strong, I guess I need to do 'that':

" You are troublesome, Naruto. However, since you are strong, that only leaves me with one option. I am sorry in advance."

Naruto: Oh, let's see what you got.

Iruka: Finally, this kid is taking something seriously; I guess my lessons paid off. *wiping his tears* I shouldn't make him wait.


Naruto and Shika were staring at each other, nobody made a move, and the whole class was quiet. Naruto didn't want to rush in since he didn't know what trump cards Shika held.

Shika suddenly brought his hands up, holding two fingers straight; this caused Naruo to tense.

Shikamaru: " I….quit."

Everyone said one word " Ha?"

Naruto almost tripped. Iruka looked like he chewed an expired sour lemon.

Naruto: I should have guessed it. Even if he can beat me, why would he be interested in holding a rank one position?

Ino couldn't take the quiet atmosphere and said, "This idiot."

Then Choji started clapping. Shika got some boos, but he didn't care, so the next match came.

The Next match is Hinata vs. Sakura.

Sakura was completely different from the cannon. She was loud and brash in the cannon, but here she is depressed and actually trained? What?

I have not seen her fighting with other girls for Sasuke, there is no other boy stronger than him other than me, but she didn't even fight with Hinata or Ino for me.

She always stares at a blank wall. I caught her staring at me a lot.

Sakura and Hinata got in the ring, and their bowing and everything.


Sakura: I have thought if I ignored Naruto, my "love" would go away, but it didn't happen. The more I try to forget him, the more I think about and miss him. Finally, I decided not to give up on Naruto even after my parents told me. I realized Naruto isn't shy but likes strong girls. He didn't like fat people; he liked people with more fat in the chest and ass area. I noticed he stared at some mother and Hinata. So I stopped dieting, started eating a lot of meat, and drank milk. I don't know if it helps.

I will show him that I am not a weak girl anymore, and I will make him notice me.

Hinata: I guess this fight is between love rivals, ha? Even though Naruto didn't care and didn't notice her, I have seen her staring at him many times with the same expression I had before; now, I can hide it with Mikoto-san training. Ufufuf... let's see what you got? You got guts eyeing my man. I will MAKE you feel powerless. With anticipation, I liked my lip.

Naruto: Oh carp, she has the same gaze, chilling everyone. What the hell are you teaching Mikoto?

Hinata: " ~Ara ~Ara is just going to stand there, or should I come? and You dare claim what is MINE?"

Hinata then rushed at her with lightning speed without opening her Byakugan. Naruto has tested her, and she has Lightning and water as her affinity. Unlike most Hyuga, who don't use much Ninjutsuu, Naruto taught many Lightning and Water Jutsu since he didn't want it to become a weakness, and he tempered her body with Lightning chakra every day.

Within a second, Hinata incapacitated Sakura. She stepped back when she thought she had won while maintaining a guard; Naruto taught her never to underestimate anyone since many people hide or do things in their last moments (Plot).

When Iruka was about to say the winner, he saw Sakura standing up, barely.

Sakura: No, I have to show him I am not weak. Move Move! why is my body not moving to GET UP NOOO I SAID GET UP, suddenly she could feel her body respond she get got with a lot of pain and trouble and said

" I AM NOT DONE! I WILL NOT BE WEAK!" She said with tears.

Naruto: What the fuck am I watching??? Is she the protagonist now??... I am surprised she got up. I have trained Hinata on how to disable a person without injuries. She got strong Will, tho… let's see how it goes.

Hinata: Hohoh… " Ufufuf… let us see" she smiled sadistically but quickly hid it since her Naruto-kun was watching.

Sakura rushed at Hinata and started punching her randomly, but unconsciously, she added chakra to her hands, but Hinata was not having trouble, even though Sakura added chakra in her punches; how could she harm Hinata's strong body with her measly amount?

Hinata blocked everything without moving from the spot. She is merely testing what caused Sakura to stand up and how strong her will is.

Sakura's speed was increasing, and punches were also getting stronger. Finally, after a few minutes, she stopped and fainted. After she fainted, she was taken into the school medical wards, and Iruka announced the winner.

Naruto lazily lied back down and closed his eyes with one thought: 'Interesting.'

After the match, many were inspired by Sakura's courage and strength. Even Ino had tears for her best friend.

Next was Ino, a guy who wanted to be the year's rookie. Ino beat him easily.

After the break, Iruka announced the next match

Hinata vs. Cannon fodder 4

Ino vs. Choji

Cannon fodder 2 vs. Cannon fodder 3

Last but not least, Naruto vs. Sasuke.

The fights went on like this.

Hinata match, the guy decided to propose to her in the middle of the field, which caused Hinata to beat him up and silently electrify him with lightning chakra when he was almost unconscious.

Choji decided to give up seeing Shika giving up in the previous match. against me

Finally, next, it was me against non-other than the future Avenger.

Everyone was excited to see who would win. However, they didn't cheer since its an important match.

Suddenly I feel like someone is watching from the sky. Oh, I guess the Hokage is interested in who will win.

Sasuke and I got ready for the match.

Iruka: Hokage did tell me to put them against each other to promote other students to be stronger. But I sense an ulterior motive, but who am I to judge.


Sasuke flared his one-tomoe Sharingan, which caused gasps around the students.

Naruto: Oh, he already unlocked his Sharingan? Interesting… But He Is Still WEAK...

Sasuke rushed at me and started using his Uchiha style. It's too bad since I have already copied their style and made my own using theirs. So I started defending without moving with an impassive face. I was actually pushing him. He was surprised how easily I blocked him and made him angrier but suddenly remembered what his father taught him; never show weakness to others. So he changed his tactic by throwing a feint and was about to send a kick to my knee.

Naruto: You think just because you have One-tomoe Sharingan, you are powerful? You unlocked your Sharingan; even though your eyes might keep up, your body can't. So I raised my knee upward, causing him to kick my shin, which caused him a lot of pain.

' I was born with a Three-Tomoe Sharingan BOY.'

When my shin hit him, he was pushed back slightly, but it was enough time for me to make a move. I roundhouse kicked the side of his head and caused him to fall sideways, which allowed me to give him a cobra strike on his neck which caused him to spit blood and fall unconscious.

Though I wanted to rush, put my knee on his face, and break his hand, I decided against it since It would ruin my image and further make Mikoto sad since he is still her son.

Everyone cherried at me. Sasuke fan started sulking, and Hinata came to congratulate me.

In my next match, my opponent decided to quit, which caused the student to nod their head. Finally, I was told to get a new ID tomorrow and was given a badge that says 1st Rank.

After school, I dropped off Hinata and started walking to my while, thinking about what will Mikoto make today. She makes delicious food, and she is like a perfect houseful... Tch... Fugaku, you are truly unlucky. I need to deal with Kuruma's seal too. I will do that after reaching home.