Getting some drugs

[A/N: I am sorry. I made the last chapter into two chapters, and I forgot to edit some parts. So only part one of the third exam happened. So the fighting between such as Sasuke, Naruto, and Garra will happen in this chapter.

The Konoha invasion didn't happen; that is the central part where Naruto will do something.... so how can I skip that.]

Many things to prepare for the Konoha Invasion.

< Flash Back >

Naruto was waiting in his [Kamui] dimension. After some time, a portal opened, indicating someone was coming to his dimension.

A person with brown hair and an average face and looks who looked like a merchant came from it.

Naruto: "Did you find the hideout?"

The person nodded.

Naruto then asked: "Did you leave a mark of FTG there?"

The merchant again nodded his head. So the person is nonother than the [Wood Clone] of Naruto, who transformed into a random merchant to follow and find the hideout of someone.

Naruto said: " Switch places with me, Don't get close to girls. You are a tool, so behave like one, and if they ask you, tell them you are a clone and will be back by dinner.!"

The clones nodded and transformed back to Naruto, then left.

Naruto [Kamui] teleported near where the Wood Clone came from. He then closed his eyes to sense the FTG mark. After finding out, he used it to teleport inside a hideout.

Naruto sensed a few people inside. Naruto looked at the person who was experimenting on a dead body. His appearance is like a snake, smells like a snake, and has the features of a pale snake.

Naruto hid his Chakra and teleported using [Kamui], so it's hard to find him.

Naruto looked around and thought: 'There are many of advanced lap equipment here. It looks like this is one of his main bases. Let's find what I came here to find…."

After using his Kaguya Mind Eye, Naruto senses a familiar but different Wood/ Huge amount of Yang Chakra in any of the test tubes.

Then he saw a tumor that looked alive. After closely examining it, he found there were Hashirama Cells.

Naruto thought: 'There is actually 'life' in these cells? So are they converting Chakra into life, as Hashirama did to create wood? So the thing has a complete Sage Body. Currently, I have a lesser Sage body than Complete Sage like Hashirama; I have low chakra increase, increase in vitality, and Chakra regeneration with slight regeneration.'

After thinking for a while, Naruto took the whole tumor and left. Orochimaru still hasn't noticed he lost one of the most important things to him.

Naruto thought: 'Well, he will get more of them from Danzo if he needs them again.'

After using [Kamui] and teleporting his dimension, he dropped the tumor in a seal to preserve it.

He took off his clothes and sat on the ground with many seals placed under him. One critical seal is that it releases medical Jutsu if something has happened and has another, informing Killua if something happens.

He took out his chain and started absorbing Chakra in Hashirama cells. As he was absorbing, he felt massive changes happening throughout his body.

His Chakra, which previously could rival a tailed beast, increased significantly. He got a slight boost in physical power. One of the most important things he got was high regeneration. Naruto already possessed a small regeneration but now increased and only behind Tsunade mitotic regeneration.

( Naruto can not use the Tsunade Yin seal since it is connected to her slug summon. This is because Naruto already has a summon, and this information was told in the manga.)

Naruto got up and went towards to training ground. After reaching, he used [Wood Style; Wood Locking Wall], which released a half-dome in front of him, covering his front three sides.

Naruto came near and punched it, and his hand went through.

Naruto thought: 'Now my [Wood Style] can go head to head with Hashirama. It looked like my wood style is mutated somehow since it's sucking my Chakra stronger than before when I punched it.'

< Flashback -Ended>

Every participant is waiting for Hayate to come and release the matchup in the area stadium.

Hayate announced: " Good morning, and congratulations on coming to the last part of the Chunin exam. The Hokage would like to give a speech in the beginning."

The Hokage stood up and gave a speech about unity and strength and how he could forget Will of Fire. Then, after a long gruesome speech, the participants finally got their energy back.

Hayate said: " Thank you, Hokage-sama, for giving a wonderful speech and inspiring many young ninjas."

The participants look like they can't wait to kill Hayate from boring them, especially the ninja from Sand Village.

After a few minutes, the matches were released on a big screen. They were: (Only important ones)

Hinata Hyuga vs. Sakura Haruno

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Garra

Kankuro vs. Shino Aburmae

Temari vs. Shikamaru Nara

Hayate then announced: " Due to having an extra person this year, we drew a lottery on who gets to go last. So Naruto Uzumaki has won the lottery."

Many were thankful that they wouldn't fight him, but some were also angry that they couldn't get to fight him. Garra would have long gone bloodthirsty if it was for his Jonin sensei holding him back.

Hayate then told the first match participants to come to the stage.

Naruto has gotten interested in Sakura since the mission in Wave. He is looking forward to how strong she has gotten or stayed pathetic like she was until the fourth shinobi war.

Standing In front of Sakura, Hinata looked at her and said: " This feels like Déjà vu. Remember our first match in the academy? Ufufu… Let's see how strong you have gotten, and maybe special someone will notice you~."

Sakura, staring at Hinata intensely, knows she can't beat Hinata. It's stupidity since Naruto trained her. But she is willing to give her full effort. She WANTS Naruto to notice her. She has trained day and night for him. She will do anything for him.


Hinata got in her stance and opened her Byakugan. She wanted to give Sakura a chance to show Naruto how far she had gotten, so she started with ninjutsu.

Hinata performed her head seal and released [Lightning Release: Shadow Clone Technique]; a shadow clone appeared and rushed at Sakura.

Sakura [Chakra Enhanced Strength] punched into the ground and released [Water Style: Water Wall]. Unfortunately, the ground broke after her contact, causing the shadow clone to explode in front of her, but she was saved by the water wall she created using water from her guard on her waist.

Hinata was surprised since she had developed a technique on her own using chakra strength with her [Eight Trigrams].

Hinata then rushed and used [ Enhanced Eight Trigrams: Thiry-Two Palms].

Sakura used Chakra Scalpel and tried to block everything. Whenever Hinata's palms hit her, her bones were heavily injured.

Whenever their hands connected, a wave of thundering sounds appeared. Hinata blocked the Chakra Scalpel with her tenketsu points. They exchanged many hits, Sakura was losing her Chakra rapidly, and Hinata gained an advantage on each blow. Sakura then jumped back and performed [Cherry Blossom Impact], which caused the ground to break into many pieces. The one she uses now is much more powerful than the one she used at the beginning of the match. After the pieces of rocks jumped in the air, Sakura started kicking and punching the pieces of big rocks aiming at Hinata while also adding explosion tags on them.

Sakura yelled "Kai" when they appeared near Hinata to release the explosion tags.

Hinata, who saw it coming, used [Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven], which blocked Sakura's attack.

-------> With Team 10

Ino turned to look at Shikamaru next to her and said: " I didn't know she was this powerful. She has used ninjutsu against me and won."

Shikamaru then looked at Ino and said: " Kiba once told me that she trains all the time whenever she is free. She is also working under Naruto in the medical department."

Ino, who was surprised, then yelled: " WHAT? So that means she spends more time with Naruto-kun than me? I need to join the medical staff now. You are close to Naruto, so can you ask him? please, please…."

Ino started bugging Shikamaru, who complained about why he opened his mouth. So he finally decided to throw Naruto under the bus 'Sorry, Naruto' and said: " Do you know Naruto is the head of the Uzumaki clan?"

Ino nodded since her father told her and heard many gossips about the disciple of the third Hokage.

Shinikaru then continued: " He is the only male survivor of the Uzumaki Clan, and he has already applied the Clan Restoration Act. I know you are interested in him. But, if you want him to notice you, you have to be strong. The group he travels with is super strong. Do you remember he brought a girl to the village?"

Ino nodded since she heard Sasuke had actually proposed to her but was turned down. She even saw her once with Naruto; Ino was jealous since Haku was much cuter than her.

Shikamaru then said: " She can beat a Jonin. She has a special bloodline from Yuki Clan, controlling and creating Ice. So when someone tried to get close to her, she froze him and turned him into an ice cube. She even earned the title "Cold Beauty."

Shikamaru then waited for Ino to process and continued Ino nodded: " There is another person, she is also Uzumaki, who can summon chains and heal people with a bite. I was told she is a damn good sensor and currently works with Naruto as vice chief president of the Medical Department. Finally, Mikoto Uchiha was one of the last three survivors of the Uchiha clan. She is also a Jonin but now becomes an Elite Jonin, but she is actually a housewife. Imagine these people are around Naruto, so how will he notice you?"

Shikamaru finally said troublesome and looked at the fight. Then, Ino looked at Naruto, who seemed interested in the fight, and gave many glances to Sakura.

Ino thought: ' I need daddy's help. I will also start training.'

Back to the fight. <--------------------------

Sakura saw Hinata block her attacks. So Sakura started using [Mystic Palms Jutsu]; She was taught by Naruto when he gave free medical training once a month to medical staff. She started healing her inner body. As a result, her Chakra is deficient right now.

Hinata saw Sakura healing, so she rushed to give a final punch to knock her out. Her palms turned brown. Naruto taught her by getting that Jutsu from an Iwa-ninja.

Sakura saw Hinata rushing. She placed all her remaining Chakra on her fist and rushed at her.

When Hinata's punch and Sakura's punch connected, a massive sound wave caused the clothes of people near her to flutter. Then, the ground beneath them cracked and filled the surroundings with smoke.

After sometimes the smoke cleared, Hinata held Sakura in her arm with gentle and proud expressions, and Sakura was knocked out with her right hand fractured. The crowd roared at the fight, and many young kunoichis were inspired since they had never seen a fight like this before.

Hayata announced: *cough* "Hinata Hyuga won the First match."

------------> At the Hokage area

Orochimaru/Kazekage: " They are very talented Kunoichi. I am excited to see the match between the survivor of the Uchiha Clan, who is considered a genius who has surpassed everyone, they say?"

Hokage and Anbu looked at him like an idiot, and many thought, ' Are you living under a rock? Hokage new student and many achievements and even developed [Swift Release] by himself and broke all the previous academic record of geniuses.'

Hokage then laughed and said: " Well, the fight was wonderful. However, even though Sauke is a talented shinobi, my new disciple is much more talented. Dare I say that his talent is the strongest I have ever seen, surpassing even the First Hokage."

Orochimaru/Kazekage thought: 'When I heard of Naruto's talents before, I thought I could also mark him with my curse seal after I am done with Sasuke, but that little brat and his team were nowhere seen in the forest. I have thought he left since I sent my snakes everywhere. AND when I went to my base, Hashirama cells were missing. So now I need to cooperate with Danzo to get more…Tch…Who the hell stole from me? Is it the same Sharingagn thief I heard from Danzo?'

Orochimaru/Kazekage smiled.

To the arena. <--------------------------

Hayate announced the following match: Sasuke Uchiha vs. Garra, but it was postponed at the request of Orochimaru/Kazekage, who said he wanted to see the match. Also, Hokage, who initially would disqualify him from coming late, changed his mind.

Kankuro vs. Shino Aburmae ----> Won by Shino

Temari vs. Shikamaru Nara -----> Won by Shikamaru

Same as the cannon.

After the next match between Sasuke and Garra was announced. Unfortunately, it started five minutes late since Sasuke came in last like the cannon.

This Fight went the same as the cannon, except Sasuke used a lot of fire Jutsu to turn the sand into glass and broke it using [Chidori]

-----------> With Jonin; Kurenai.

Kurenai turned to Kakashi and said: " Out of all people, you actually trusted enough to teach your assassination technique to Sasuke? You know his past behavior and interaction with his and other teams."

Gai and Asuma nodded, indicating they too had interacted with Sasuke, who showed bad behavior and supported Kurenai.

Kakashi turned to Kurenai and helplessly said: " I don't want to, but when Sasuke asked me to teach him, I have told him that it's dangerous and he was not mature enough, but that who would have thought the next day the council members started knocking on my door to teach him."

Kurenai was taken back since why would the council interfere with Shinobi. They have no jurisdiction and said: " Did you inform the Hokage? This is a serious offense. A civilian can't harass a ninja of the village."

Kakashi nodded and said: " Hokage approved to teach him. He said it's good to have a rivalry. Sasuke has shown many times that he has a strong rivalry with Naruto."

Kurenai nodded and said: " It would be interesting to watch Sasuke and Hinata fight."

Asuma, next to her, asked her why.

Kurenai replied: " Well, Naruto told me that the Hokage trained him in [Rasengan], and when he tried to add lightning chakra, it turned into [Chidori]."

Kakashi's eyes widened. When his sensei taught him [Rasengan], he told him [Rasengan ] could add any Chakra element. So since he has lightning affinity, he tried it, and it accidentally turned into a prototype of [Chidori]. He then waited for Kurenai to finish.

Kurenai continued: "… Since then, Naruto perfected Chidori and taught Hinata since it matched her fighting style. So imagine Thirty-two Chidori's coming towards you…."

With Naruto increasing Hinata's Chakra reserves, they have already reached close to Kage.

Everyone stuttered, thinking of that image. But then, suddenly, they saw feathers falling from the sky.

Kurenai identified and broke the Genjutsu first, which caused everyone to follow.

Kakashi turned to everyone and said: "We are being attacked. Let me inform the Hokage."

Everyone nodded and left to find their students.