Dark Release

Chapter 38: The three-year trip Year 3 Part 1

< Year 3 – The final year >

In a tent, two people were having a serious conversation. A woman with beautiful red hair and green eyes with an amazing figure was looking at a handsome boy. If you looked closer, you would notice that his face was flawless with those red eyes with gold iris. Even when he is sitting, you can guess that he is 6feet with shredded muscles.

The red-headed woman said, "So you are saying that you will help defeat the three-tailed beast while you want me to support Uzumaki Clan, not Konoha, as the fifth Mizukage with a total of 20% supplies for three years?"

The red-haired man said, "Yes, I will even give you a bonus to seal it in an object or a person."

The woman then said, "I will trust that you won't backstab us, Naruto-san. I only agree with you because you brought out a contract as the official head of the Uzumaki Clan. I am sure you can defeat it with your {Wood Style}. Are you sure you don't want to join the village? I am willing to make you a chief elder."

Naruto thought, 'Me? An elder? I basically control Konoha with Tsunade as the Hokage.'

"I am sure Mei-san, I am loyal to my village. The only thing I am asking is for good friendship between us in the future and 3-year supplies." Naruto said.

Mei, looking at Naruto, thought, 'Why are there no handsome guys in my village. *Sigh* When will I get married?.. Forget about my life... At least from the spies, I have collected some information. He is known as Crimson King because he has red hair and uses golden tools with golden fire. He has recently has shown to use {Wood Release}. I hope he can defeat Yagura because we are losing many battles.'

Mei said, "Next week, we will prepare for the final battle. You will be taking care of Yagura while I and the rebels take care of everyone else." Mei is hoping that Naruto can defeat Yagura. Next week's battle will determine the final result of who will lead the village.

Naruto smiled and said, "leave it to me. Though I want you to be careful while I fight Yagura to avoid any casualties." Naruto doesn't want Mei to die since she is important to his plans.

Next week on the battlefield, you can see Mei leading and trying to raise the morale while Naruto, who was next to her, is waiting for the battle to start.

Yagura saw that Mei brought out all her army to make one final push, and there was a person next to her with red hair. He guessed after seeing Naruto's face from the bingo book that person was Naruto Uzumaki. He thought the battle would be more difficult with Mei and Naruto fighting together. He then said, "What are the Konoha shinobi doing here? Do you want war? I suggest you don't meddle in our affairs."

Yagura didn't want to say Naruto's name since he didn't want the morale of his army to decrease. However, Naruto is quite popular, the user of {Wood Release} and can fight head to toe with a Tailed beast. Only one person who has gone head to head with a tailed beast was the Third Raikage.

Naruto, who heard Yagura, decided to ignore him. Which caused Yagira to become angrier and say, "I hope you will accept the consequences."

Naruto turned to Mei next to him with a poker face and said, "So when do we start?"

Mei nodded and yelled, "Charge."

Naruto, who ran first, used {Sun fire: Great Fire Annihilation}. A stream of golden fire came out of his mouth and made its way to the army in front of him.

Yagura's army started using {Water Style: Water Wall}, and more than 30 people used {Water Wall} and combined to make it into a large wall. But the fire tore through and started burning the 30 people and disintegrated them. Unlike the {Gyoka}, the {Sunfire} doesn't spread; its just burns whatever it comes it contacts.

Yagura saw the power of the fire, which caused to sweat on his forehead. The same thing happened to Mei's army.

Yagura decided that he was the only one who could fight him, so he rushed to the battlefield.

As planned, Naruto battle with Yagura while others make sure no one will disturb his fight.

Naruto yelled, "Move back," then used his {Earth Style} to make an arena by adding walls around them.

Many wanted to watch the fight between them, which determined the war's outcome.

Yagura, in the arena with Naruto, said, "Show me what you got" Then used {Wind Style: Passing Typhoon} and {Wind Style: Great Breakthrough} to clear the whether also clearing all the mist surrounding them.

Naruto, who was hit with {Great Breakthrough} stood still, showing that Yagura's wind style didn't damage him at all.

Naruto released { Sunfire: Great fireball Jutsu} which released a giant golden fireball. Yagura knew that Naruto's golden fire was dangerous, so to counter it, he used { Water Style: Water Mirror Jutsu} which created a mirror that could send a Jutsu back at the caster.

Yagura, who expected the fire to reflect, was surprised when he saw it obliterated the mirror. Yagura observed the fire and said, "I have found your weakness; while your fire is powerful, it will only burn whatever it comes in contact with." Yagura was proud to find the counter for Naruto's unknown fire release.

Naruto looked at him and thought, 'Moron, you are half right. If I send more power/chakra through the Jutsu, it doesn't matter; it will go through anything and disintegrates. Well, I am not going to correct you.'

Naruto decided to use more power { Sunfire: Great Fireball Jutsu}, a much bigger fireball appeared and traveled straight to Yagura.

Yagura used {Earth Style: Earth Wall} which created an earth wall. However, it broke through instead of an earth wall stopping the fireball.

Yagura barely dodged it but still got his left hand burned from the heat. Yagura, who was hurt, turned furious and transformed and took the tailed beast form.

Yagura rushed to Naruto and started throwing punches, and Naruto easily deflected his punches. But whenever Yagura hit, a large formation of coral quickly grew on that spot.

Naruto started releasing Chakra from the tenketsu points like Hyuga to defend the attack and break the coral.

Yagura realized that his attacks were easily dodged, then jumped back and started throwing small-tailed bombs. Naruto easily jumped around and dodged all the coming beast bombs.

Naruto then unleashed his chains and started attacking Yagura. Yagura saw the incoming chains and started dodging around. Suddenly roots started coming out of the ground and covered his right leg. Naruto took the opportunity to warp the chains around Yagura and brought him to the air.

Naruto then threw {Vanishing Rasengan}, the Rasengan disappeared and appeared in front of Yagura, hitting him in the face and knocking him out.

Naruto then appeared in front of him and performed {Five Elemental Seal} which made him turn back and lose access to the tailed beast chakra. While also secretly applying {FTG}.

Mei, who saw the fight end with Naruto winning, yelled, "WE WON!"

After seeing the fight, Yagura's army dropped their weapons and surrendered; many fought until their last breath, but they were taken care of with minimal casualties.

Naruto spent a week in the village. Mei tried to make him stay longer by tempting him, but Naruto, who was no simp, ignored her.

Naruto asked if they wanted to transfer the tailed beast to someone else, but Mei said no one currently could hold it, so they put Yagura into prison while sealing him.

Jugo, who watched everything, was more inspired by Naruto and asked him to train him. So while Naruto was making their journey to the Land of Sky, he trained Jugo in the wind, water, and earth releases.

While on his way, Naruto added on more bloodline, which was {Shikotsumyaku}; can produce bones and manipulate them. Naruto didn't worry about the diseases; his {Adaption} took care of it and slowly removed all the side effects. The clone which guarded Hinata brought Kimimaro's body.

When he reached the land of the sky, he teleported Jugo into his dimension, made wings out of Chakra, and started flying.

His goal here was Zero-Tails, which can feed on negative emotions and produce unlimited Dark Chakra. A Jinchuriki of Zero-Tails will always be in his perfect physical form with unlimited regeneration. However, the bad side is that it's over for you if your Chakra networks get disturbed. A Hyuga can easily kill you if they get close.

But that is only for a Jinchuriki, but Naruto is not planning on becoming one. No, he wants to devour it.

Naruto made its way to the hidden village of the sky. When he arrived, he tried to find where Zero-tails, which produced many negative emotions.

When he found he teleported inside. He saw walls with ancient markings and a huge snake-like creature sealed when he arrived.

He saw cameras everywhere. Naruto then sends a {Wood Clone} which transformed into an insect. The wood clone rushed to the beast and teleported it using {Kamui}. After the beast disappeared, alarms started rigging.

Naruto also teleported to his {Kamui} dimension. After arriving, he saw multiple clones tied Zero-Tails using their chains. Then, Naruto made a special room like one he prepared to trap Hogoromo.

Naruto started absorbing slowly, but surely the Zero-Tails became smaller and smaller and finally disappeared.

Naruto felt his body transforming. Naruto, who previously looked 15, now looked like he was 18. His muscles swelled and made him bulker; his muscles can compare to future Jugo size. He thought 'status.'

{ Energy breeder: You can transform any negative energy into Unlimited Chakra or any energy you came in contact with.

Immortality: As long as you have "energy," you will always be in your peak form and never age. You will age until you reach peak form, then stop.

Regeneration: You will regenerate anything as long as you have "energy."

Dark Chakra: You can now manipulate Dark Chakra. No seals are needed to perform any Jutsu from now on. The side effects of any forbidden Jutsu that uses Dark Chakra will be neglected. }

Naruto looked in the mirror. He didn't know how to explain to the girls his changes. He now looked like a muscular high schooler like on earth.

After meeting with Jugo, who looked at him strangely but didn't question, Naruto decided its time for Senjutsu training.

He then summoned Nori, who had been training with the lions. After the smoke clears, you can see a large lion that reached the height of a small house.

Nori, who looked at her master, changed into a smaller size, jumped on Naruto and started licking him.

Naruto laughed and said, "Okay okay stop!. You really grew up. I was worried that you would stay small. A one-year-old lion can reach the size of a 4-year-old child, but you never did. But now I know... you can actually control your size, and you were using my shoulder, so you didn't have to walk…HAHAHA."

Nori proudly nodded, fooling his master into carrying him, which caused Naruto and Jugo to chuckle.

Naruto looked at Nori and asked, "Can you talk?"

Nori, who just remembered, said, "Yes, master! I got excited seeing you and forgot."

Naruto and Jugo went to where the Lions live with Nori. Unlike Toads, Lions don't have a separate summoning dimension, but Lions live far away from civilization. They were even surprised the first time seeing a human. So that is why they don't have a method for Senjutsu for humans.

Naruto met with the elder and introduced Jugo because the Lion only signed the contract with Naruto or his family; they didn't want to contract with Jugo.

Jugo was sad when he heard that because he always loved animals. Even while hunting for food, he never hunted an animal.

Naruto came here because the Nature chakra is abundant, so Naruto thought it would be easier to train here.

Naruto trained for three months, and he collaborated with lions to create Senjutsu. Finally, after beating an elder, he has gained recognition. Naruto spends a lot of time with the Lions to gain their Loyalty.

Naruto sage mode went pretty easy since he can control it very easily, and he can also produce Unlimited Nature Energy in his system.

After five months of training, he left Jugo with the lions and went to the Land of Demons.

While he was traveling, he met someone who had similar power and ambition to himself.

A person who was covered in bandages and a white coat covering his entire body. There were three people next to him.

Naruto looked at the person with the white coat and said, "So…are you in a band or something?"

" I am here for your Kekkai Genkai. Get him, Ichi, and San." Said the person in a white coat with bandages covering his mouth.

Ichi and San rushed Naruto. Naruto was annoyed at the bugs who wanted to challenge him and said, "By hearing their names, I guess the other person is named Ni?" then he raised his hand, and black mist started appearing around his hand.

Naruto then said, "This is the first time using it on a person. Let's see {Darkness Blade}" A blade made of Darkness rushed at Ichi and San and cut them in two.

Ni, who was next to the bandaged person, said, "Hiruko, he is strong, and what is that dark blade? Is it similar to your {Dark Release}?"

Hiruko rushed at the Naruto and performed {Swift Release: Shadowless Flight}. He moved at instantaneous speed and started striking Naruto at different angles. He is like a blur when he is punching Naruto.

Naruto, whose eye has passive Mangekyo Sharingan and with Naruto quick reaction he was dodging all the punches which caused Hiruko surprised since no one dodged his {Swift Release: Shadowless Flight}.

Naruto then said, "Let's see who's swift release is faster." he then started performing his own version of {Shadowless Flight}. Naruto's speed was faster, and Hiruko couldn't keep up with him.

He retreated back and said, "How do you have {Swift Release}, {Dark Release}, and {Wood Release} while also having a weird golden fire which disintegrates anything?" Hiruko came here for Naruto because he needed five Kekkai Genkai to sacrifice to become a perfect Human. He had already marked Kakashi when he was a kid and already had two people as a sacrifice.

Hiruko is now more obsessed with getting Naruto's body since there is never a person with 4+ Kekkai Genkai before.

Naruto guessed that Hiruko was guessing Dark Chakra as {Dark Release}, so he smiled and said, "We both have similar ambitions, but there can only be one King of the Jungle, so please die {Super Revival Fist}" By gathering Dark Chakra in his hands, he created a dark orb with two dark rings around it. Then shoved it towards Hiruko.

Hiruko raised his hand to absorb it, but the orb ripped his hand away. So Hiruko, with one hand, while the other was missing, retreated back and used {Storm Release: Thunder Cloud Inner Wave} which created a thick ring of thunderclouds and electricity around him. Then Hiruko used it to fire powerful blasts of lightning bolts at Naruto.

Naruto then used {Star Chakra} and made a mini {Susanno} around him. The armor made up of Chakra blocked all the lightning strikes coming toward him.

Naruto then summoned his Chains and pierced his heart. Naruto then started sucking all the blood, soul, and Chakra.

Naruto looked at Ni, who had fallen to the ground with fear. Naruto, who saw this, said, "Since you are a beautiful girl, I will leave you. Please turn into a good person and stop hurting innocents."

Ni, who heard Naruto thanked him and said, " Thank you, I will change and be a better person. I will dedicate all my life to helping others." she said with a crying face. She indeed decided to change since she was shown mercy; she will show others mercy too.

After thanking him again, she turned around to walk but heard the sound of a bird chipping and suddenly felt pain in her chest. When she looked, there was a hand through her chest.

She heard, " Sorry, I believe in true gender equality." in her last moments.

After Naruto killed everyone, he checked his gains.

{ Dark Release: Can absorb, manipulate, and releases Chakra taken for the opponent with a mark on your left hand.

Steel Release: Can produce or turn anything into steel.

Storm Release: By releasing electricity, you can make it flow like water}.

Naruto has got memories of how to use the Chimera technique but decided that it's a waste since he has {Dark Style} to absorb Ninjutsu and his Chains absorb Kekkai Genkai and raw Chakra.

Naruto looked at his left palm; there were two diamonds, one overlapping the other. Then he continued making his way to the Land of Demons.