F in the comments for blonde-45

[A/N: Question is the word Chakra, Jutsu, in uppercase or lowers case?]


╔ Flash Back- Naruto & Deidara ╗

Naruto then left Karin and Haku to deal with Deidara. He wasn't worried about them getting hurt or, worse, getting killed because he had already calculated that he would finish Deidara fast and watch their fight. Another thing is that three is always a {Wood Clone} guarding them.

⇝ Naruto POV (Idk first time writing like this)

As I am following Deidara, I notice that his speed is slowing down, and he is taking me somewhere. But fortunately, I already realized that he was taking me into a trap.

I took out a kunai made up of chakra metal.

Why am I using chakra metal? Well, I realized that using chakra metal seems to be better than using a standard metal kunai. Unlike Mikoto Misaka, I can't use a regular coin like her since they always break after reaching a certain distance or power.

I don't know how Misaka can use an ordinary coin, but I can guess since she can control Electromagnetic forces, it might cause her to have enough control and cause a lot of destruction from a normal coin. Unlike her, I need to use particular metal because I can't control magnetic or electric forces, and I need to use chakra to substitute her attacks.

The same thing applies to Killua's use of {Godspeed}, I don't have resistance to electricity, but I can use my own chakra and turn it into lightning chakra to boost my speed and strength.

Coming back to the kunai I took out, I charged it with lightning chakra, and at the end of it, I needed to use my {Strom Release} to release a laser so that it could travel at lightning speed.

Well, I can't control electromagnetic fields. Before reincarnation, I was just a college student who didn't pay attention in class or study. The only subject I am promising is biology at a high school level.

I thought '{Railgun}' and fired the projectile, which stabbed the bird in half. I know I don't need to think about the name and everything, but it is easier for me to remember and useful in a deadly fight where you have to think fast.

In a deadly fight, I just need to think Railgun, and my body automatically does the process to fire the projectile.

*BOOM* When the bird fell down, it exploded.

Damn, I really wonder how the world is taking all the ninja attacks and still staying strong. There are people who can literally create nuclear explosions or people who can cut the moon in half. Yet, there were no catastrophic events that actually happened in the history of Ninja world, at least in the Anime.

I guess Deidara used the explosion to try to escape on land. I needed to increase my speed. '{Godspeed}.'

As I reappeared at the crash site, I noticed a fake Deidara leaning against a tree while I sensed {Clay worms} underneath the ground.

I guess he set up a trap, thinking I would come closer to his fake body to inspect, and he would blow it, killing me.

I walked closer to the body, then stopped. I turned quickly to the side and looked at the real Deidara, who was breathing heavily, hiding under a bush.

Noticing my look, he yelled, " Shit...KATSU!"

A large explosion happened, and the wave knocked Deidara down to the ground.

Deidara, who was knocked down on the ground, excitedly said, " Got that fuc*er."

He signed, and as he was about to stand up, his body turned cold.

" It was a good try. I would give it a 6/10. It sucks that your enemy is an exceptional sensor." I said that as I appeared behind him.

*Boom* as Deidara turned around, he blasted away from the explosion the clone caused.

Deidara is heavily injured. He is lying on the ground, coughing blood.

I appeared in front of him and said, "Sorry but not sorry about that."

Deidara weakly looked at Naruto, who was in front of him, sarcastically.

" *cough* you know you remind me of someone…He uses the same lightning Jutsu and likes to play with his prey."

I couldn't help but laugh. Even though Killua and Naruto are not the same, they do behave the same way. Killua always plays with his opponent and kills them, leaving a sarcastic comments.

" Haha…You don't know how close you are," I said after casting a simple Genjutsu on Deidara, turning my face into Killua for a millisecond.

While it was for a millisecond, Deidara clearly saw Killua's face and couldn't help but laugh.

" So you really are Killua or Killua is you…Akatsuki is really finished now…KAT-" But was stopped by Naruto stabbing him with his chains.

" I can't let you blow yourself, can I?... since I really need that secret technique to turn chakra into materials…."

As I was absorbing his blood, a random thought appeared in my mind, 'Am I becoming a Vampire or what?'

I wanted his blood and soul since I am really intrigued by Deidara's way of making clay by eating chakra. (correct me if I am wrong.)

I am amazed at what you can accomplish using chakra. For example, you can bring the dead back, revive someone close to death, or simply travel dimensions using chakra as a medium.

In one of the Naruto wikis, I have heard that Deidara stole Iwa's secret technique that can knead chakra into materials, and by doing so, the object can be shaped, animated, and controlled remotely.

After absorbing his soul, I learned how to use the unnamed forbidden Jutsu. While I am very interested in this Jutsu, I didn't want a weird mouth anywhere on my body.

Well, I will leave the problems to the clones I train in {Kamui} dimension every day.

'Umm…Chiyo took Gaara back to Suna, and its looked likes she passed away after performing the technique. However, my clone did capture her soul in a pot. I don't need her blood since she doesn't have any bloodline, and even if she is somehow related to the third Kazekage but {Magnet Release} is only connected to him and his offspring. I don't need it since Shukaku can control Sand and Metal as shown in the cannon.' I was thinking while I was sucking Deidara's blood with my chains.

Shukaku taught Gaara how to manipulate sand in the cannon and said that Gaara got the magnet release not from the third Kazekage but from himself.

╚ Flashback -Ends ╝

< 3rd POV >

After Naruto reminisces about the fight, Haku and Karin with Naruto make their way to meet with the group. Nowadays, he doesn't really want to home early because of Kushina.

Yes, Kushina, ever since Kushina came back, she has shown her obsessive behavior openly whenever Naruto is present. Because of this, the relationship between Kushina and Mikoto is pretty awkward.

Naruto didn't announce Kushina to the village yet. Hence, she stays at home 24/7, and the atmosphere sometimes gets pretty tense or awkward, especially between Mikoto and Kushina since they both showed their interest in Naruto.

Mikoto, in the beginning, didn't openly show her love or interest since she was feeling guilty or was stopped by a family barrier, but that stopped ever since Kushina was introduced to the family and started living with them.

While Kushina doesn't mind Naruto having other girls, she was still awkward with Mikoto since they had a sisterly bond before. But, of course, they weren't evident with their feelings; they both are experienced Ninjas and knew how to hide their behavior. But Naruto didn't shy enough to use his emotion sensor to read their emotions.

Naruto never cares about shyness, honor, or other feelings. He does whatever he wants for his benefit, but Naruto doesn't realize he has changed living with the girls. He has shared an unbreakable bond with each person, like Shikamaru and even pinky or that annoying blonde.

While he has a bond or likes spending time with his friends, that doesn't mean he will go easy on them if they betray him. One thing he hates the most is betrayal. Even Naruto subconsciously hates the idea of betraying his close friends, but sometimes he knows he needs to harden his heart.

[A/N: For readers: There will be no tragedy happening to Naruto or any sort of NTR.]

Naruto thought, 'Sasori's explosion should cause them to make their way here. I can already sense them coming towards us.'

After meeting with the group, Naruto informed them of the situation and made their way to Suna.

Coming back to Suna, they were greeted by a team who thanked them for saving their Kazekage and then informed Gaara's condition.

What they didn't inform them about Chiyo's sacrifice and how Gaara was brought back since it's the village's secret.

Naruto and their team stayed in Suna for a week, and Naruto treated Gaara when he woke up. While Naruto didn't have the same reputation as Tsunade in the medical field, he is known for being the head of the Medical Department, even was confirmed by Tsunade herself.

When Gaara woke up, he was surprised by what had happened and was even sad by Chiyo's sacrifice. He neither had a good relationship nor met Chiyo before but still appreciated her sacrifice.

After seeing Naruto, Temari teased Garra a lot for looking up Naruto. But like always, he turned tsundere and started denying everything.


⇝ At the Hokage's Office

" So we have killed two Akatsuki members already, but will they be a problem in the future for killing two of their members, Naruto-kun?" Tsunade was briefed by Naruto when he came back.

" Well…They will be a nuisance either way, so I don't think there will be any problem… However, I did tell you where their main leader hideout is, so I recommend sending someone to investigate." So Naruto clearly is manipulating Tsunade to send "someone" to go to Amegakure and investigate.

You probably guessed who that "someone" is. Even though he is not powerful enough to cause Naruto trouble, he has recently been acting suspiciously.

Naruto noticed him meeting with the Third Hokage a lot, and whenever he left the office, his face was frustrated and showed anger. Naruto one day got curious, so after meeting the Hokage, he found out that the Toad prophesied the end of the world. Apparently, the previous "Child of Prophesy" was now " Child of Demon" that will cause mass destruction and ruin the world or some sh*t. Its not really false since "Asura" sometimes translated to "demon," and also, there was a power-hungry, lustful demon king in Hindu mythology.

( FYI...In my mother tongue, asura means demon, and there was a demon king called "Asura" in my mom's religion.)

Naruto's already smelled conspiracy and bullsh*t. While Naruto is not a hero, he is neither some kind of a Demon Lord who seeks the world's or humanity's destruction. He already decided to protect the world and make it his stronghold. He realized that he would be immortal as in live forever from his current path, so he plans to make the Shinobi world a safe haven for himself and his future family.

Coming back to that special "someone," he was meeting the third Hokage because he had informed him that Naruto "turned dark," as Dumbledore likes to say. Naruto already controlled Hiruzen a while ago, so "someone" didn't succeed in his plans.

Naruto doesn't like pests bothering him in the future, and he always likes to permanently kill the root of the cause.

Tsunade thought about Naruto's proposal for a while and finally said, " Okay…I know someone who has a wide spy network and good spying…at least when he is not peeking at women or perverting."

Naruto smirked inwardly and said, " Okay, love, see you at dinner."

Tsunade blushed at Naruto, addressed her "love," and nodded while mumbling, " okay, Naruto-kun."

After reaching his house, he was suddenly interrupted by Mikoto, who seemed to be really shy.

" Naruto-kun, can I talk to you for a bit?" Mikoto said while lowering her head.

Naruto followed Mikoto to her bedroom. While walking, he saw Karin, Haku encouraging Mikoto, and finally, Hinata, who had a warm smile.

After reaching Mikoto's room, she signaled Naruto to sit next to her on the bed.

Mikoto took some time to gather her courage and said, "Marriage without love was challenging for me. I have never told you, but Fugaku loved…no… obsessed with someone."

Naruto stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

" I am the daughter of an elder. Ever since I was born, I was groomed to be the wife of the future patriarch. I didn't have any freedom. When Fugaku showed his talent, many wanted him to be the future patriarch."

As she was saying, her voice got weaker and weaker.

" *sigh* as I grew up, I wanted to be my own person. I trained and trained so I could challenge him-"

Then she went on about her life until she was interrupted by Naruto's pull. When Naruto gently pulled Mikoto in his arms, she gave a cute yelp and closed her eyes.

Suddenly Mikoto felt a warm feeling on her lips. Mikoto is not a virgin nor inexperienced in sex. So she quickly reciprocated by kissing Naruto passionately.

They were kissing each other and pouring their feelings. However, there are not kissing gently like it's their first kiss; no, they are kissing roughly, sucking each other saliva and tongues.

After a while, Naruto stopped since Mikoto looked red and out of breath.

Mikoto was staring at him while he was kissing; they were staring at each other. She then leaned at Naruto's palm, which was stroking her cheek.

" I know what you feel…I have known long ago, but I sensed that you were having trouble deciding, so I didn't make a move. While I had a crush on many and was dating Hinata. You were my first love. I fell in love with you long before you moved in. The care you have shown me and your sacrifice caused my heart to move."

Mikoto was in tears, she felt like it was a dream, but she still nodded.

" You don't have to tell me anything…I will care for you…I love you, Miko," then kissed her again.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" They were disturbed by Haku, Karin, Hinata, Kurenai, and finally Tsunade; even Kushina was present.

Mikoto yelped because everyone barged into her room and congratulated her.

"It's really bad to eavesdrop" Naruto already sensed them outside the room and already realized their plan, and he didn't care for such small things. He saw their tension and excitement, so he let it play.

Mikoto was embarrassed, buried in Naruto's arms, and Naruto chuckled, seeing her act like a kid. He then turned to everyone and said

"So… who was the mastermind behind this plan?"

When they heard Naruto's question, they ruthlessly snitched on the person by pointing at Kushina, who started scratching her head with a toothy grin, showing her pearly white teeth.

" Sorry, dattebayo ehehe."

Then everyone started laughing, and soon they left, giving Mikoto some time to spend with Naruto alone.

" So…where were we left off?" Naruto said with a cheesy smile.

Mikoto seeing that smile, pulled Naruto into another hot session.

╔ At Akatsuki ╗

" So we lost Deidara and Sasori. Losing those members will be harder gathering money…." Said the person whose face was filled with piercing and two purple eyes with rings.

" I can hunt one of the previous twelve guardians of Fire Daimyo. I found his location, and he still has a large bounty…I wanted to hunt Asuma of Konoha, but that village is a fortress now…All my spies are turning up dead." Kakazu said.

" Yes…Even Zetsu seemed to be having trouble spying on Konoha. We can smoke out Asuma by letting your target post a mission. They should be close to each other since they were part of the same twelve guardians. By capturing Asuma, we can get the bounty and also information on Konoha since he is the grandson of the Third Hokage." Pain said.

Hidan got excited and said, " I guess we are hunting…By the way, I haven't seen Killua…It seems suspicious." Hidan clearly wanted Killua to get in trouble because he still hasn't forgotten the last incident where Killua sliced his arm off from calling him a brat.

Even though Kakazu stitched it back, he was still humiliated, and whenever he saw Killua, he couldn't help to shake in fear for some reason.

Pain narrowed his eyes, and while this was going on. Noone noticed Konan's facial expression change. But, if anyone had seen her, they would notice a hint of worry and something else…