Meeting My Super Gramps - 53

"The Akatsuki has declared war on the Shinobi world," said the one-eyed, masked man, disappearing in a swirl.

While Naruto went to fight Sasuke, Obito took the chance and teleported into the Kage conference.

Obito had already sensed a minor space disruption from Naruto before, and he knew he needed to be careful around Naruto since Naruto might have a seal to trap space or use {Flying Thunder God} and mark him.

Obito explained how the Tailed Beasts were born and his plan to combine them and cast {Infinite Tsukuyomi} on the moon.

He then declared war when the Kages refused to kill Naruto.

Yes, Tobi wanted Naruto dead and to grab the Tailed Beast later since Naruto was too powerful and could disrupt his plans.

After Obito disappeared, Tsunade opened her mouth and said, "I do not think it would be that easy. There must be something he is hiding."

Raikage nodded since he had also sensed something wrong in Obito's plan. Like something crucial is missing. After seeing Naruto's power, he has already given up on being greedy to take the Ten-Tails to himself.

Unlike 'A' who gave up, Onoki hasn't given up. He is the only one who thinks of killing Naruto. But since Tsunade and all the Kages were here, he kept his thoughts to himself.

Sadly, Tsunade saw through Onoki with her crystal ball. She has requested Naruto to make it smaller and portable since she doesn't want to give it to anyone else in the village for fear of corruption and betrayal.

So Naruto made it into a necklace and bonded it to Tsunade as an anniversary gift.

⪼ At the Fire Daimyo ⪻

"Naruto Uzumaki, I now appoint you as the Sixth Hokage." The Fire Daimyo announced.

Naruto has now become the Sixth Hokage and planned to hold the ceremony after the war has ended.

After returning to Konoha, Naruto ordered a war preparation meeting.

┏ Naruto POV ┓

Seeing all the Kage and Shinobi behind them wearing a new headband of Allied Shinobi Forces, I couldn't help but think about my journey to the top.

"I called the meeting to tell you some important news," I said.

I, A, Gaara, Mei, and finally Onoki sat together.

"Someone betrayed us," I announced.

There was silence in the room. It hadn't been a year, yet someone had already betrayed us?

Raikage yelled, "WHO?!"

Looking at Onoki, sweating, I said, "Tell us, Tsuchikage-san."

Kurotsuchi, who was behind Onoki, grew furious at my accusation.

"How dare you accuse us!" Kurotsuchi cried out.

Releasing a large amount of Killing Intent, I said, "Behave! Control your Shinobi Onoki-san."

Loudly gulping, he turned to his granddaughter and said

"I am sorry, Kurotsuchi…" he was cut short by Naruto using {Sunfire: Fireball} which released a small fire the size of a golf ball and started burning him.

Seeing this scene, Kurotsuchi started to break down and cry.

"Capture all Iwa-nin. As of now, Iwagakure is counted as a betrayer. Further removal from the alliance!" I said.

Anbu from Konoha started capturing everyone without killing.

Raikage's eyes widened, seeing the fire producing more heat than its size. Seeing Naruto's power, he realizes it is time for the new generation.

Kurotsuchi, seeing her fellow village ninja being captured, hurriedly announced, "We have nothing to do with Grand-…our p-previous Tsuchikage… I beg that you show mercy to our village."

Trained by her grandfather as the next Kage, she knew when to beg and surrender.

Seeing her bowing down, holding her tears.

"I am sorry. We will interrogate the consul of Iwa to see if there are any spies. If you further interrupt, I will declare war on Iwa." I ruthlessly said, crushing her hops.

What? You thought I would let her go because she is a woman with a cute face and is crying?

Raikage felt terrible, but he controlled himself. Mei and Gaara thought it was reasonable since they were not being killed, only interrogated.

"Continuing the meeting…"

I told them about Obito and newly joined Kabuto, who had used the forbidden Jutsu of the Second Hokage and resurrected many people.

"So we might have to fight the previous Kages? While also fighting White creatures who are in thousands?" Raikage said while rubbing his forehead.

"I suggest we should be careful since the Akatsuki might attack one of our villages to lower the alliance's power."

Suddenly, everyone saw a shadow come toward Naruto and whispered something in his ear.

Turning to the granddaughter of Onoki, I said, "I am sorry to say that as of now, Iwagakure is… no more!"

Kurotsuchi, who sat in the corner, stood up and yelled, "WHAT?"

I felt a little bad, but soon after clearing my mind, I said, "Iwagakure was attacked. I think the Akatsuki might have attacked, seeing Onoki's plan fail… I think he either was blackmailed or got greedy and made a deal with the Akatsuki!".

One of the root members had informed me that Iwa was destroyed. While it was not in my plan for Iwa to be destroyed, it did help me in the end.

"I-I need to leave. Excuse me!" said Kurotsuchi.

I let her go because she might not have believed me or just hoped it was all false. I also released the Iwa ninja to let them go.

"So… the Akatsuki are attacking our villages one by one to destroy the alliance," Gaara said.

Mei turned to me and said, "Who do you suggest, Hokage-sama?"

Raikage kept quiet and wanted to listen to my suggestion.

"As absurd as it sounds… I suggest joining my village until the war is finished." I said.

There was a grasp among the Shinobi of the other villages.

Raikage tightened his remaining hand and said, "What about the accommodations? Taking 3 Hidden Villages will be almost impossible."

I replied, "I am proficient in {Wood Release}, to make shelter and our land has enough food and fertile. So we are willing to share!"

Mei nodded. Ai tried to change her decision. However, he stopped when Mei said, "Shut up, or I'll kill you."

"I need to talk with our consul. I might accept, but they might reject the notion." Gaara said.

"*Bam*" Raikage broke the desk in anger.

His village is slowly coming together after Pein is destroyed.

He stood up and left, saying, "I am sorry… we can manage by ourselves!"

Mabui gave a look and bowed to Naruto, and soon followed Raikage.

⪼ Time skip to a few months ⪻

Mei moved into Konoha, leaving her village. There was no opposition since they had known Naruto saving their village before and his power.

Sadly, Gaara had some trouble and couldn't get the approval he needed.

Naruto, as promised, has constructed houses for the Mist Shinobi and, with Tsunade's help, removed any spies and White Zetsu who tried to join.

Naruto is sitting in the office looking at the reports, and there have been many skirmishes with White Zetsu. Till now, he hasn't seen Obito, Black Zetsu, or Kabuto and his {Edo Tensei} people.

"Hokage-sama! Sand Village is being attacked." said Temari, who came into the office sweating.

Temari has been staying in Konoha in hopes of having a good relationship.

"Hokage-sama…a-a… Kumo is being attacked by M-Madara Uchiha!." Samui said.

Samui has also been staying in the village, but unlike Temari, she remained in Konoha to get to know Naruto.

Ever since the Kage meeting, Samui has been acting like a fly, staying around Naruto whenever she could.

I thought, 'Madara? I see they finally made a move. I would have thought that Madara would attack Konoha as soon as he was brought back.'

I calmly replied, "I see. It looks like they finally made their move."

Standing up, I announced, "Prepare for an emergency meeting."

⪼ Kumogakure ⪻

"Madara, I will make sure to take you down m- *ACH*" Raikage couldn't finish as Madara stabbed him.

"You bore me!" Madara said as he watched Raikage pass away.

Turning behind, he said, "You sure that boy will come? If he doesn't, I will kill you for wasting my time!."

"Yes Madara-sama! I-i" Kabuto tried to explain.

"Tsunade is coming here instead of Naruto… but I have heard that she could do {Wood Release}." Black Zetsu appeared in between and said.

"Tch… you survived this time… Let's see how strong she is compared to her grandfather... Weak people are ugly, and weak Senju are even uglier!" Madara said, as he warned Kabuto.

Kabuto thought, 'Why did I even revive this nutcase… Of course, I only wanted to use him to impress the Akatsuki, but… who would have thought Madara would break free from control.'

Madara then saw the coming figures of Tsunade, Mei, followed by the other ninjas behind her.

⪼ Sunagakure (Sand Village) ⪻

As he cleared the remaining White Zetsu, Naruto turned and said, "This is the last time I am asking. Will you join my village, or should I leave? Your village won't survive another attack, especially from Madara, as I heard he attacked Kumogakure."

Finally, Sand accepted as one of the elders came up to him and said, "Please take care of us."

Gaara also pressured the other elders into accepting Naruto's offer.

Naruto nodded and said, "I will take my leave soon. Konoha's ninja will soon arrive, and they will take care of you."

After a while, Naruto decided that he had wasted enough time, and as he was about to teleport, he was pulled into an unknown dimension.

"I have been waiting for you. I thought you would have shown up sooner!" I said, looking at the person who was releasing a tremendous chakra in front of me.

"So you do know me! I was not going to stop you from killing Indra's reincarnation. As I do not like to meddle." The person said calmly. He has a scholar-like aura around him while also looking mysterious.

"When you were born, you had the chakra of Asura, and now you do not? Somehow, you have chakra similar to mine, yet at the same time, it is different."

Naruto looking at him, though, 'I think I can fight him… maybe.'

"So, Sage of Six Paths, why have you brought me here?" Naruto asked.

"You were supposed to be the Child of Prophecy. Yet you turned into the Child of Destruction." The Sage of Six Paths announced.

Naruto, hearing the same title, chuckled. "So the Toads really wanted me dead. At first, I thought of leaving them to live for some time, but it looks like they need to be taken care of soon."

Hagoromo summoned his staff and truth-seeking balls. Hitting the staff on the ground, he said, "I think not!"

Naruto jumped back and went into Sage Mode since Ninjutsu doesn't work against Hagoromo.

"I see that you learned Senjutsu by yourself." As he was impressed that Naruto learned Senjutsu himself, like his other reincarnation Hashirama.

Hagoromo raised his palms, and lightning started producing from his hand.

Naruto widened his eyes. "You were able to use Senjutsu and Nature Chakra without going to Sage Mode?"

Naruto was confused, as he didn't know that Hagoromo could use Senjutsu without 'going' Sage Mode. While it doesn't make a difference, Naruto was not able to accomplish that goal yet, since he trained by himself. Unlike Hagoromo, introduced by the Toads.

Raising his hand, Naruto used {Sage arts: Rasenshuriken} and released it towards Hagoromo.

Hagoromo simply raised his hand, punched the Rasenshuriken with lightning, and destroyed it.

"Impressive that you could damage my hand," Hagoromo said as he watched his hand had bruises from the attack.

"Let's see how you handle this Naruto {Six Paths Yin-Yang Power}" Hagoromo said.

Suddenly, Two hands manifested. One was a light gold color, and the other was purple and attacked Naruto.

Naruto used {Sage arts: Lion's Ambition} suddenly, Nori came out from a seal and transformed into a golden armor covering Naruto.

Naruto raised both his arms, used {Star Chakra} and manifested two arms taking a cross position in front of him.

When Hagoromo's attack made contact, it pushed Naruto back, but he held on.

"You have impressed me again, Naruto! Let's see how good you are at close combat." Hagoromo said.

Naruto smirked since close combat was his specialty.

At first, Hagoromo had an advantage as Naruto suffered from multiple cracks in his armor, but soon after, he took fewer and more minor hits. Finally, after a while, he started attacking.

Seeing it's going nowhere, Naruto used {Blaze Release: Honoikazuchi} surrounding himself with Amaterasu and transforming into spikes, impaling Hagoromo multiple times.

Hagaromo backed away as spikes impaled him. Then, he simply put out the fire in a wave of his hand around his shoulder, which was burned.

"I see that you took out his eyes and somehow got its power," Hagoromo was talking about Indra's reincarnation.

Naruto wanted to see how strong Amaterasu would be against a god, but sadly, seeing him put it out caused Naruto to think that it was not that powerful.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know that it was weakened since Hagoromo was not 'alive' a spirit, and if he were alive in the body, it would have done more damage.

Hagoromo turned his eyes into {Rinnegan} and said, "Let's get serious," and turned himself into gold, similar to Naruto's Six Paths mode.

⪼ Madara ⪻

"Good, Good! While you were not as powerful as your grandfather, you were the strongest opponent I have faced other than him." Madara said.

Mei was on the ground injured, Hinata healing her. Then, Tsunade stood and used "{Wood Release: Wood Human-Dragon Jutsu}" which created an enormous statue-like creature with a wood dragon wrapped around it.

Seeing the same Jutsu Hashirama used, Madara said, "{Susanoo}" An armored Susanoo manifested to fight against the creature.

As they clashed with each other, the surrounding was getting destroyed.

Everyone had already evacuated the surrounding area and watched the fight far away.

"{Yasaka Magatama}" Madara used.

It is a Jutsu that Susanoo users can use from their hands. Then, a massive, rapidly spinning shuriken made up of chakra came towards the wood creature.

On the top of the creature, Tsunade saw the coming shuriken and used {Wood Release: World of Trees Wall}" which creates countless wooden branches that grow at high speed from the ground, looking like a net-like wall.

The shuriken, instead of stopping at the wall, cut in half.

Seeing this used {Wood Release: Wood-Dragon Jutsu}, the dragon wrapped on the creatures, rushed towards and attacked the Susanoo.

Tsunade simply jumped off the creature and went into Sage Mode. She learned the trick from Naruto, where you have a clone that is filled with Nature Chakra to go immediately in Sage Mode.

It still takes some time to control the Nature Chakra in her system, and she used "{Sage Arts: True Several Thousand Hands}."

It's one of the famous Jutsu from her grandfather. It creates a titanic, many-handed wooden statue that the user can freely control.

Used twisted her hand seals and made it rush towards Susanoo, which the Wood-Dragon was holding.

Susanoo was destroyed when a thousand hands made contact, and Madara has ripped apart.

Tsunade got off the Sage Mode and was panting. She had used a lot of chakras and finally used her {Yin seal}.

She had used a lot to summon Katsuyu to heal all the wounded ninjas.

Suddenly, a laser stabbed her heart.

"It's getting out of control!" Madara said, as his body was being constructed again.