I Died - 58

[I was way too tired writing this. Please do not mind if I mess up some spelling or grammar. And don't forget to enjoy.]


(´。• ◡ •。`) ♡

Naru then used {Kamui}, which opened a portal, and Toads started walking out of it.

"I wanted to kill you first, but I thought it would be a waste and kept you in the dimension for the future. So now I can dispose of you." Naru said, looking at the Toads coming out of his dimension.

The branches of the tree started moving and slowly wrapped around the toads. Then, the toads began dying one by one when their Nature Chakra and life were sucked away.

Naru, noticing the fruit was getting bigger, nodded happily. Then absorbed the remains of Hagoromo, who Naru sealed.

Finally, one more thing to do, Naruto looked toward the moon and teleported.

Naru again saw Kaguya sealed in a separate dimension, but her chains were slowly cracking and weak.

Instead of talking, he used {SEAL} on her, teleported back to the tree, and pushed her into it.

The Chakra Fruit, after absorbing Kaguya, decided to the fruit.

"Oh, before I forget." Naru stopped himself

"Why is that tree coming out again?" Questioned Sakura.

"I am suddenly feeling back," Kakashi commented.

They all waited for her since Naru told them to come back. The reason they waited instead of following Naru or going now is that Naruto insisted on following what Naru had told them.

"Naruto, it's surprising that you have actually listened to someone, even a complete stranger," Sakura asked skeptically.

"{Sharingan: Genjutsu}"

Naru appeared near them and cast a Genjutsu on everyone.

'Oh, it looks like they started questioning Naruto's strange behavior.' Naru thought.

Naru infested Naruto with Gold Strands when he was 'helping' Naruto.

Naru then placed his hands on Naruto and Sasuke to suck all the remains of the Sage of Six Paths he had gifted and didn't forget to erase the memories.

Coming to the God Tree, Naru absorbed the tree with the Chakra Fruit.

"Hokage-sama!" Shika shouted with worry.

After absorbing the tree, Naru clutched his heart in pain and slowly fell unconscious.

⪼ In Unknown Dimension ⪻

┏ Naruto(MC) POV ┓

As I opened my eyes, I noticed everything looked almost like a void.

Weirdly, even though it was dark, I could see the stars, at least what I am guessing after watching too many Sci-Fi movies.

I turned around to find Hinata and Tsunade, but there was nothing, or the space seemed endless.

"Kuroi!" I called out loud.

[Kuroi = Shikamaru's code name]

Even Shikamaru, who is always in my shadow, is not responding. I suddenly started to worry, but my {Gamer Mind} soon sensed my panic and calmed me down.

Suddenly, I remembered absorbing the Divine Tree and going unconscious.

I was cut short by a majestic voice saying, "You are an interesting unknown soul!"

I looked around and noticed there was no one.

"Interesting, I can neither see through your soul nor interact with it, yet I sense a blessing from you." the voice said again.

With my calm mind, I asked, "Who or… what are you?"

Suddenly, I heard the sound of chuckling all through the void.

"*chuckle* come to my dimension without even knowing, and that too twice?" The voice now has a little melody to it.

I thought for a while and said, "I see"

It was easy to guess since I had actually felt I came here once, and she even hinted that I came here once.

"Mumm… I do like an intelligent soul~" The voice now sounded sweet as honey, trying to cause my blood to flow downwards somehow without a body, as I think I am in a soul state.

Suddenly, I felt something grab my chin and slowly travel down my chest when it reached my navel area. I backed away, causing the feeling to disappear.

"Oh~ quite shy, aren't you?… Umm… I neither sense divinity nor a seal on you that can hide you from me. So, is it related to that blessing I can't even touch?" The voice questioned me with her sweet voice.

I just shrugged my shoulders, indicating even I do not know, which was true since I don't know, but I do have a guess Sam is connected to it.

"Interesting~ I can't tell if you are lying or not. *Moan* I am even more interested in you…and y-."

Suddenly, I shone brightly and disappeared.

"ROAR RRR!!!!" A loud roar soon followed.

"~ I won't let you go… I swear as DEATH!"

⪼ Time Skip - A few days later ⪻

"Thank you again, Naru-san! It would have been catastrophic without you." Thanked Tsunade.

It has been a few days since Naru woke up from his… slumber. If that was what he was going to call, Shika was smart enough to cast a powerful Genjutsu to hide Naru's changes when he started transforming after absorbing both the tree and the fruit.

"Yeah! Come by whenever you can, Dattebayo!" Naruto shouted out excitedly.

"Shut up, Baka! They are not on a vacation or trip. But, as the Fourth Hokage said, the seal shouldn't be messed with." Sakura said as she knocked him in the head.

The story was Naru used his Rinnegan ability {SEAL} to seal all the chakra and the divine tree in a dimension on the moon. So the reason Naruto and Sasuke lost their gifts, and Tailed Beasts, was because of some random crap made up of crap by Naru.

Naruto was sad that he lost Kurama but soon got over it. However, Sasuke, who tried to fight back, was captured and soon imprisoned.

"Naruto! Here… This will help summon me whenever you want. Keep it because the Otsutsuki will be coming in a few years." Nara said.

Now that Naruto neither has Kuruma nor Sasuke has no Rinnegan, this world is heading to doom. So Naru generously gave a coin with a summoning seal.

Naru, smiling, thought, 'Oh, you thought that I was being generous? Nope! I wanted Monoshikki and their gang to become my food. If I were not interested in their power, I wouldn't care if this world went kaboom.'

"Alright, Naru," Naruto said.

Hina and Tsun said their goodbyes, and soon Naru opened the seal and went inside.

"Hi~ We meet ~ again," said the same familiar sweet voice.

"(•ˋ _ ˊ•)"

"OH FU*K," Naruto cursed out loud.

┏ Naruto POV ┓

'What the fu*k have I gotten myself into?' I thought.

In front, I see a gorgeous woman, tall for a woman. Her purple eyes angled down toward their edges, presenting her with a certain level of calmness and gentleness. Her long wavy hair had the same shade of black as the night sky and was braided into a long tail on the left side of her head that reached down her hip.

A single red flower decorated the left side of her head, with healthy, pale white, and smooth skin, which almost seemed unnatural.

She has a slim body, well-endowed with large breasts and sultry curves. Her alluring beauty and well-endowed body were enough to cause madness to men.



[This one is Aaa… For educational purposes.]


"*Moan*~ Have you seen enough, or~ should I squash them like thiss~," Death said as she shrunk her shoulder and chest so her boobs could pop out.

I clearly was looking her in the eyes, but my Kagura Mind was busy checking her out. I guess her intuition is crazy powerful.

My face looked as emotionless as possible. Her comments and actions looked like they didn't faze a bit. But internally, I was feeling a little embarrassed.

"p(◝~◜)q... You are no fun~ When you disappeared, I spent a lot of time trying to find you… Even one of my avatars went crazy and almost killed her little purple toy, whose face looks like a nut sack… Fufu." Death said, as she started chuckling, remembering that incident.

"I see… so how do I get out? I promise I won't disturb you again." I hoped the answer would be what I wasn't expecting.

"Boo~ You won't be going anywhere. I spent a lot of time trying to find you, and luckily I found you when you attempted to bend space and time… It was as if we were meant to be together~" Death said with a creepy smile.

I guess unsealing dragons can cause it to bend space and time, sigh… how do I get out of this situation?

"Fate does like to say that a lot… Do you want to hear a secret~" Death questioned.

I showed an uninterested face, but inside I was a little curious to hear a secret from a primordial entity.

"Fate is a massive slu't. She spread her legs to all her 'chosen ones'… I always hated that bit'ch. Always meddling with things, causing everyone a headache, spoiled because she is the youngest TCH… let's not ruin my mood. Do not worry; she won't be able to get you anymore… I have you all to ALL myself~ Mmm…" Death said.

What the fuck is wrong with his woman? One second, she is lovely and innocent, and the next, she sounds like a horny old woman who hasn't had any action.

Death signed to come closer, and I didn't want to upset her, so I made my way close to her.

"Come sit here… and tell me about yourself… The one whose fate can't be seen is Death herself." Death said, pointing to a newly created throne in front of her.

Sitting down on the throne, I said, "Nothing special… Just a normal guy who craves power and does normal evil things."

No way I will mention my women, since she might actually kill them.

"Ho~ Umm… Let me tell you about myself. I am the first child of my father, next was Life or some other name she goes by now… It's boring to listen to me talk about all my siblings, so I leave that… What should I talk about?"

Death thought for a while, putting one finger on her cheek, she cutely tilted her head and said, "My avatars mostly do my work… so I mostly sit on the throne and watch the stars… I also like to watch souls from other worlds and how they behave."

Suddenly her eyes enlarged, and she looked at me excitedly and said, "Ohhh… Do you want to go on an adventure? Like those books… Isekai? Um… yes, that is a good idea."

She didn't even hear my opinion. Sigh. I need to take control of the conversation, or this might cause problems.

"Death… Can I call you that?" I softly asked her.

She nodded first but soon shook her head and said,

"No! Give me a name."

I was surprised to hear her asking me to name her. I mean, is her father not going to take that as an offense and kill me?

Shaking my head, I scolded myself, 'What am I? A pu'usy now?'

"Mara… in my language, it means [Death]." I said.

[Sanskrit for Death = Mara]

Her eyes shone in excitement, her purple eyes captured me for a while, but I shook my head, trying to clear my mind.

Death, now Mara got so happy she didn't see me stare into her eyes, or she might have teased me for a while.

"Mara… Mara… MARA. I like it! ~" Mara said excitedly, jumping as a child, causing her huge lumps to bounce with no physics.

"Now, Mara, I see you want me to go on an adventure?" I questioned.

She nodded her head cutely. She was still feeling happy to name her.

"So how long will the adventure be? Where am I going, and am I going alone?" As I said, she cut me off.

"Of course, I am coming with you… I might join you later, but you are not going anywhere away from me~" Mara said, narrowing her eyes.

I stiffly nodded my head.

"We are going to mess with Fate by messing up one of her favorite worlds first… I think it's called Harry Potter World." Mara said.

I closed my eyes and thought, 'Harry Potter? Isn't it one of those kids' books? But, Shi'ite, I have no idea since I neither read the book nor watched the movie.'

"Then we can go to my dad's favorite world where gods are alive and monsters run around as heroes!" Mara said.

I was hit with a sudden realization out of nowhere.

Looking at her innocent face, I said, "You want to rebel, aren't you?"

Slowly, her innocent face crumbled into a hysterical laugh.

'She was toying with me.' i thought helplessly.

Mara suddenly looked at me with a more exciting smile, but this time she didn't look aloof, her previous face had.

"You are smart~ You are making me more excited… Mmm… This is a test for you~" Mara said, revealing her true intentions.

"And why should I listen to you?" I wanted to test my boundaries to see how far I could go. I have my pride as a man, so if she wanted me to go and run around like a puppy, I would rather die.

If I were the naïve Jayden, I would have been scared and become a licking dog, but now I have gone through many things. I have people waiting for me back home, people I love dearly.

Suddenly Death released a massive killing intent to pressure me.

I was hit with massive pain in my entire soul, and suddenly, one of my skills activated.

[Energy Breeder: Turn negative energy into unlimited energy you can use.]

"Hahaha…. An interesting skill you have. It seems like all my killing intent is getting absorbed and powering you… I am happy you didn't cower over like a coward… Help me with one favor, and I will grant you divinity in return." Death offered.

"I see… I already know what your favor might be… and what kind of divinity would I get?" I said after thinking for a while.

"I don't know… I would give you something which might grant you divinity. The divinity symbolizes you. You might get powerful like Death, Destruction or a weak one like fire or any other element." Mara said.

While divinity like fire or water might be powerful but for Mara, they are weak since Death divinity is one of the most powerful elements ever, and it's only accessible to Mara and her avatars, her champions.

"I see… What do you want me to do? And for the favor, I will only help you once I am powerful enough." I said.

I already realized that she wanted to fight her 'dad.' I needed either to kill or defeat him, so I needed to be powerful enough to kill him, at least in case.

"Well, you need to pass my test first… Fate has tricked one of my avatars into granting his power to three brothers in hopes her 'chosen one' can get those powers." Mara said.

"Explain to me in detail what I need to do," I asked her.