Enigma Being and Sadist Maid


Lily is obsessed over Genesis since young age.

The obsession that Lily shows over Genesis is quite unhealthy for those around him.

The example of it can be when Ernest accidentally broke his arm, the next day, half of his servants went missing mysteriously and it was found that the place where he trained was rigged with intention to disrupt his mana flow with intention to make hm crippled.

Ernest really got the scare of life at that time but was not able to find who was behind it.

Well who else can it be ?

Of course Lily

I only knew about it in later chapters in novel in an incident

And why I am fearful of my own Mother Lilith?

Well, have you ever wondered why only me out of all my siblings us unable to use any magic or abilities.

Despite being a Royal, I am worse off than any noble or maybe same as any commoner


It's not like I am born unlucky,

Althan Family defies luck...

The reason I am not able to use any magic and abilities is due to Lilith.

When the Queen was giving birth to me, I was born with the now extinct genes and bloodline of the most dangerous creatures to ever exist.

The 𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠.

It's an Alien Race not known to this World and even in novel, very less was mentioned about them.

One of the most feared and hated race.

They are the worst and most dangerous cosmic mystery to exist so far.

These beings went extinct, as to how, it is not known to anyone but some speculation were made regarding this matter that due to a huge internal strife among them, there was a war which made them destroy each other and resulted in their extinction.

There is also this thing that they have the least reproduction rate possible that is practically non existent, they take triillions of years to just get started forming.

And a very long time to become strong as they have a special physique.


how was I born with such genes and bloodline, that is practically I belonged to that race if not being a Vampire right now.

I was born that way because at that time, when Lilith was giving birth, she needed a catalyst.

Yes, each of us siblings were born with the help of catalyst like blood, magic rocks/gems, bones, or energy.

At the time of my birth, Lilith found the essence of an enigma being by an accident.

{Author's Note: Will tell in future chapter about the accident}

The essence reached there after traveling who knows what huge amount of time.

At fist, Lilith tried absorbing its essence but it was futile as she was not able to absorb even a bit of it.

She captured the essence and tried various things with it but was not successful in knowing what it was.

At that time, my birth preperation were almost complete and only needed a catalyst.

And Lilith being the eccentric woman she was, she could not suppress her endless curiousity about something she was not able to break and hence tried using it as a catalyst for my birth.

And it succeeded but the essence of the Enigma being was easily overpowering the essence of my Vampire race.

Noticing this quickly and the amount of dark and dangerous energy I was starting emitting, she concluded it will not end up good if it was allowed to continue.

She directly without delay casted the strongest seal she could conjure at that time to suppress the essence but how can it be so easy.

It was showing no effect, seeing this she used the forbidden method of placing a restriction on someone.

She called for help of all the elders of Althan Family who were powerhouses in their league to help her place a restriction.

The hidden powerhouses of the family noticing the situation getting out of hand will lead to destruction of Family and as their duty to protect the family they used this forbidden method and supported Lilith.

And the Restriction was casted successfully and if not for the royal blood I doubt that I would have been even be able to move, I could have become crippled even struggling to breath but Althan Family powers are not in name only.

All the elders of the family present that day deemed me as someone not allowed to even exist and were debating how to get rid of me but Lilith though ruthless is still my mother as at that time she convinced all of them .

First was that she herself was a powerhouse and second she was the head of family and her word carried high importance and third, she used the excuse that if they were able to search about the essence that is now me, they can take the family to great heights never heard of before in history.

This was somehow able to convince them as Family is their number 1 priority.

Vampires are truly very loyal to their Familiies, each family is very protective over their growth.

So that's why I was able to survive till now.

{Author's Note: There is more to it I may explain in future chapter, comment if you want to know full story of Enigma beings}

In the novel alternative ending, I was killed by Lilith due to this.

I must prevent that fron happening at all costs.


I get off my bed and head towards the mirror and was seeing myself when I heard someone entering my room with a slight sound.

"Your Highness, you are awake early today!".

A high pitched female voice was heard clearly surprised that I am awake earlier than usual.

Long blonde hair that reaches waist, deep shining purple eyes which make anyone looking into them intimidate at the same time beautiful, soft pink lips and a small nose with a beauty mark below lips, a voluptuous body frame with big and heavy chest, slim waist but still toned with muscles lining, thick thighs with muscle lining, covered in dark black stockings and overall wearing a maid outfit.


She is my maid and as well as a spy to keep watch over me at all times,

she is only expected to report to My Mother and my twin sister, which I don't know why her also.....

She is a true sadist and bloodthirsty vampire belonging to one of the clans of Duke, she is one of the daughter of their main branch of Dukedom.

Her full name is Rose Barmford.

I can feel sweat in my back currently.

She is very dangerous person and loves torture, which is one of the reasons my mother selected her to be my maid and secretly my observer .

Even slight changes in my body are reported to them.

'Still don't know why Lily too but I have an inking as to why'

In one of the endings, she ended up falling for me and was finally killed after fatally wounding Lily.

So she is a type of double edged sword huh.

Knowing what awaits for me I future, either I have to kill her before she kills me or get her on my side before late

No I have to do one of these if I want to survive

But dealing with her will be a pain due to her weird nature and tastes.

"Yes, I was feeling like it so I woke up early"

I reply keeping my normal time while talking.

"Oh is that so? Then his highness should take bath now that you are awake, let's go I have it prepared already"

Her tone was more like she was ordering while being polite.

She knows that I am weak and is showing that she is doing me a favour.

Though I am getting upset recieving this kind of treatment as a prince but the previous me was just this naive and cowardly.

She liked this type of behavior from me but I doubt I will be able to keep that for long as I am already starting to get a bit pissed about her tone .

Don't misunderstand that she is daughter of Duke so she has pride.

It is one of the greatest of honours to work for royal family members in vampire race.

Duke clans constantly compete to send one of their talents to serve royals.

And I am not like other Royals also to order around my servant unnecessarily like Iris does.

So i absolutely don't deserve such treatment but what can I do with my messily Power and knowing her sadistic nature, I know she enjoy this.

And as for bathing that's the time where she check of any irregularities in me and I am a little scared that something might not have changed due to me being merging with Genesis Althan.

Why do I feel like everyone just want to kill...ugh so annoying

But I must start making plans....for my freedom and future.








𝙃𝙞 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨!

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Should I make Rose fall for MC or Kill her ?