Chapter 54: Nightmares coming true

Atlas stood in the arena with hundreds of others that had arrived to take part in the selection. There were just so many people that it was hard to locate someone amidst the crowd. 

Time kept passing, and people kept increasing. The seats in the stadium also started getting filled. The stadium, which looked mostly empty until recently, was now mostly filled. Many citizens of the city of Sagos had arrived to witness the trials. 

The trials were the responsibility of the Two Great Families. Both worked together to make this event a success; however, it was also a beneficial endeavor for them since they were allowed to charge money from the spectators for allowing them entry. Only participants weren't charged anything. 

The beautiful arena was so big that even after accommodating over a thousand participants, it was still only half full. All the participants looked at each other, waiting for the moment when it was going to start.