Chapter 72: Misella

Atlas walked down the stairs. His heart, which had been calm for the most part ever since he arrived in this new body, was thumping. 

He wanted to get down, but at the same time, he felt some hesitation as he walked down the unending stairs. 

Was he finally going to see Misella? He knew she was dead, but even then, he was worried as to what condition she was going to be in. 

After a long time, Atlas finally reached the end of the stairs, only to end up in a secret chamber that was nothing but dark. 

The small chamber lit up as Lilith arrived and used a spell. Lancaster and Yovana both arrived as well. 

"This place..." Lancaster's lips parted as he noticed where he was. This place... This was so... He couldn't find words to speak at the moment as he saw the chamber. 

There were many coffin-like cases in this place, and all of them were made purely of transparent glass to allow someone to gaze inside.