Chapter 164: Vor's return

While Elisi stood on the northern side of the Kingdom of Wolves, maintaining a few kilometers of distance between her and the Kingdom, Ramiun was standing on the Southern Side, on top of a distant hill. 

"And thus begins the slaughter." 

"This could very easily turn bad for us," the woman who always accompanied Ramiun chimed in. 

"It certainly can. It's not an easy decision to free Vor... The man who could even threaten the Kingdom of Wolves. We had to do so many things to get the Witches to cast a spell on him after we found him hurt."

"And after all that, we had to release him. I'm sure he'll hate us for that as well. After all, we did to him... After he is done with the Kingdom, he'll either go for the Witches or the Blood Council." Ramiun sighed. "But I wouldn't have had to take this extreme step if the Council had agreed to help me."