Chapter 169: failure

Multiple Franc Clan Members stood before Atlas, all looking lifeless, but only one was being used by Yovana to talk to Atlas. 

By engaging him in conversation, she actually wanted to sway him to her side, but at the same time, she also did it to delay him to some extent. As long as she succeeded in taking over Atlan, she could discuss more thoroughly. 

"Change the world?" Atlas repeated. It was certainly his goal in the past, but that was before he found out that he could bring people back to life. Now his goal was different. He cared very little about the world at this point and more about gathering the remaining key Fragments. 

He only had less than a month left. He couldn't waste that time by supporting Yovana and fighting the other Progenitors. He was already getting tired of running around back and forth. He had already taken Lucius' Fragment. Going against Lucius once again was no less than wasting time for him.