Chapter 208: Opportunity

"Hmph, I ran to save your asses," Luna rolled her eyes. "And I returned for the same as well. Also, I don't think it would be just different this time if everyone here isn't prepared for what's to come, even if you know about it."

"By the way, it's good to see you as well. I thought you would be dead by now. It's good that you're not," she further stated. 

"Somehow, I think it would've been better if I was. I would not have to live with the reality that I've failed my people, letting them die." He gazed at Lancaster. "At least most of them."

"Is anyone else alive other than you?" he asked Lancaster. He just wanted to go and hug Lancaster as that guy was his family, but he felt that it wasn't right. He didn't want to show his emotional weakness before a descendant. 

He just stood in his place calmly, as if he was happy about what was happening but not emotional.