Chapter 224: The Secret?

Atlas sat on his knees before the Coffin, gazing at his body. He was slightly amazed at how weak his body looked. For him, it was like it was just yesterday when he was wearing these new clothes to serve the vampire and now those new clothes were covered in deep Blood. 

He still remembered the pain he felt when he was being beaten in the Cafeteria. He still remembered just how many of his bones appeared to be broken when he was dragging his body down the stairs. He could still feel that difficulty in breathing that he felt that day and more. 

"A week of peace in exchange for billions of lives... A week of the life that I want in exchange for a barren and colourless world... Is that an exchange I can afford? Shall I really be a little selfish?" he muttered, talking to himself. 

"What do you think, little guy? What would you do?" he asked, gazing at his body despite knowing that it couldn't answer.