Chapter 243: More like a Progenitor

"That's why, if you were thinking about telling them my location to stop them..." Atlas smirked. "That would be no less than taking an ax and hitting it on your own foot."

"My presence or not, they will destroy the place you call home, no matter what you do. So it's actually not my war only. It's your war as well."

Atlas knew just what these Witches would be thinking and how naive they would be. That's why, he had already prepared an answer in advance to show them the mirror as to how it wasn't just his problem. 

The Witches had no way to be sure if Atlas was telling the truth or not, but they really couldn't take a chance on it. If he was telling the truth, that meant they had too much risk in going to the Empire to help them catch him. 

"You think you can stop them?" The old woman asked. "I wasn't alive when they last came here, but according to our books, it was a brutal defeat of your side. What makes you think that you can change anything this time?"