Chapter 247: The Traitor

Atlas felt as if he had been caught in a trap. The people here knew that he was coming, and that's why they were ready! 

"I am the Prince who is leading this war and the person you are here to kill. Though I'm afraid you might have to change your plan," the Prince stated. 

"So you knew I was coming!" Atlas clenched his fist. This was indeed a trap! 

The man removed all his forces from outside the forest and even lowered his forces around the ship as if intentionally making it easier for Atlas to get inside the ship. It could only be positive if he knew about the plan! Someone had informed him about their entire plan, but who? Who could do it? 

The witches were out of the question. They couldn't have told the Empire about his plan as even they didn't know that he was going to go in alone before the main army. 

That only left a few possibilities! It was someone from his core group!