Chapter 250: Extra Motivation

"Ten hours to kill the ones you led to this war. If you succeed, I'll free your sister and deal with you directly. However, if you fail or try to be clever... believe me when I say this, but you'll never see your sister again. At least not in this lifetime."

Even though the young prince talked in a calm manner, the threat behind his words wasn't hidden from Atlas. It didn't seem like it was meant to be hidden either. 

"You have five minutes to decide if you will do as I say or not. You don't have to be hasty in your answer," the young prince stood with his hands behind his back like a great senior who was dealing with a youngster. 

Atlas came here thinking something completely different. He thought he was going to take the Prince hostage and that his army was going to be his backup, but it was the Prince who had him hostage, it seemed like.