Chapter 257: Before Sunrise

The compass emitted a soft glow, and she felt its magic resonating with her own. With unwavering concentration, she tuned it to search for Misella's unique magical signature.

The device's glow intensified, and a magical map appeared before Lilith's eyes. It showed the direction and distance to Misella's location. Relief washed over her as she realized the device worked perfectly. Now, she turned her attention to the second device, the one meant to locate Luna.

Lilith went through the same process, activating the second device. Her heart pounded with anticipation as the magical map materialized once again. She held her breath, hoping that both devices would align and lead her to the same place.

To her joy and satisfaction, the maps overlapped precisely. The devices pointed to the same destination, confirming that Misella and Luna were indeed together. It seemed the Vampire Prince had cunningly kept them in the same place, under maximum security.