Dion wanted the Prince to stand on his own two feet despite the memory loss, and sending out orders was at least a step forward.
Regan bowed as he walked out of the office and came back with a female version of himself. Regina was only a few inches shorter than Regan, she had a slimer built, with the same hair and the same eyes.
As soon as she stood before Prince Nicholas, she quickly dropped to one knee and bowed.
"Rise." Nicholas ordered, to which Regina quickly followed.
"I remember you." Nicholas' tone was tentative. He could feel a pull towards Regina, he couldn't understand why his connection to her was stronger than to the ministers.
"Remember me, your highness?" Regina asked as she hesitantly glanced at Dion.
"I was attacked and I lost my memories, I was sent to a realm that is not ours. I don't exactly remember who you are to me, but I feel a connection." Nicholas explained, Regina did not mask her surprise as she learned that Nicholas had lost his memories.
"I failed you." Regina said as she hung her head low.
"Failed me?" Nicholas looked to Dion for an explanation.
"On the Lady Liira's death bed I swore to protect you with my life, your highness. I swore to your mother that no harm would come to you as long as I lived and yet I had failed you. I was not there when you were attacked." Regina fell to her knees and bowed to Nicholas.
"It was a blood oath, your highness." Regan simply said. "My sister knows when you are in danger, she rushed to you the moment you were attacked but it was too late."
"No one was watching you because you were in this office, normally no one attacks a prince before the king's death." Dion explained to Nicholas. "Killing another prince before the king's death makes the other princes unable to take the throne, it would make them ineligible to be king in their own right."
"Regina, it wasn't your fault." The kindness in Nicholas' tone surprised even him. It didn't seem like him, but it felt right.
"Thank you, your highness. I will not fail you again." Regina said in a much more determined tone as she stood up and bowed.
Nicholas couldn't help but wonder if his old self was attracted to Regina. Sure, she was at least ten years his senior, but she was beautiful.
She may have spent hours everyday training to be a warrior, but it did nothing to hide the womanly shape of her body.
A cough pulled Nicholas from his thoughts as he caught himself staring at Regina.
"Your highness, we should probably allow the others to leave while Connor and I catch you up on somethings before your Cruor lessons later with the King." Dion told Nicholas as the ministers moved to leave.
"Yes, thank you, and I do hope that my memories return soon." Nicholas said as he dismissed the ministers.
"I will have Regina watch you at all times, your highness." Regan informed Nicholas, making the Prince give Regan a confused look.
"Won't the others think that it's too much having someone guard a prince before the King's death?" Dion questioned Regan.
"Clearly some people are ready to risk killing before King Alexander's death." Regan reminded Dion.
While this argument between his two ministers were going on, Nicholas kept thinking to himself how difficult it would be to keep his focus and not watch Regina. Something about her drew him to her, much more than Ryenne.
"What do you think about that, your highness?" Nicholas blinked as he realized that Dion was asking him a question.
"Sorry, repeat yourself please." Nicholas told Dion as he returned his attention to the conversation.
"Ah, his highness was probably trying to pull his memories back." Connor assumed as he gave Nicholas a smile and nodded.
"Would it be acceptable to you if Regina made herself less visible? She would still watch you, but from a distance." Dion explained, to which Nicholas quickly agreed.
"Regina, I think the prince is safe with us here in his office, you may leave." Dion dismissed her, much to Nicholas' dismay. Unfortunately he didn't want to show too much attention towards Regina. He still didn't know the implications if he did.
Once they were alone, Connor let out a deep sigh and sat across Nicholas.
"You really don't remember anything, do you, your highness?" Connor observed Nicholas with a watchful eye as he shook his head.
"I don't, I just get this feeling whenever I use my magic." Nicholas looked down as he glanced at his mana mark, this time he didn't wear any of his limiters. "The limiters make me feel like there is something wrong with me, like I'm sick."
"I guess we start with the basics since you have lessons with the king and there is much we need to catch you up on." Connor explained to Nicholas.