Return to the Palace

"Your highness, you need to leave!" Dion shouted at Nicholas as the prince mounted his horse.

Nicholas paused, he thought of the timing of things. How could his father have died? Last time he visited the king, the poison was slowly clearing up. He knew the king would be better in time.

"No, this gives us the best opportunity to attack. My brothers will think I will run, but not this time, no." Nicholas declared as he looked around at his men.

"Ryenne!" He shouted, summoning the Vale mage as she wiped the tears from her eyes and her expression became hard.

"Your highness?" Ryenne said as she gave Nicholas a deep bow, showing that she was in his service.

Nicholas glanced at who else was with them, he knew he had to send most people to safety before things got worse.

He didn't want any of the Corporali Mages to be dead weight to him. Only those that were truly necessary would stay in the palace with him.