Arrival of a Prince

Marcus was happy to be in Gaia.

For the first time in his life he felt that he was loved and appreciated.

Since he had learned that Nicholas had been hiding his true powers and planning on taking the throne for himself, Marcus had erased any love he had for his brother.

"Your majesty." One of the council members bowed deeply to him.

He arrived in Gaia a few hours ago and was resting after his long journey.

He had not allowed his men a moment of rest, he knew that as long as he wasn't in Cibus territory, he was in danger.

As much as he did not want to admit it, he was still getting used to this new source of power he had discovered in the palace.

"Yes?" Marcus smiled at the man, making the council member relax.

"We want to announce your return to Gaia, to the Cibus clan. Would it be acceptable to hold a gathering in the plaza?" The council member was clearly nervous as his palms began to sweat.