The Prince and his Grandfather

All night, Nicholas was plagued by dreams of Ryenne.

He woke up gasping and exhausted, as if he had not gotten any sleep at all. He couldn't help but wonder if Ryenne had somehow learned how to enter people's minds with Vale magic.

"Your highness, are you unwell?" Jorin asked as he prepared Nicholas for the day, he could already tell that the prince was not in a good condition.

"No, I'm fine, Jorin. Please prepare my breakfast, I'll be late for training." Nicholas waved his servant away as he dressed himself.

Nicholas couldn't help but feel happy that he didn't need to wear his magic limiters anymore. He hadn't had the time to appreciate the freedom that came with his father's passing.

As always Nicholas started his day with some sparring with Connor and Regan.

"We should add testing your new skills with your training." Connor commented as he and Nicholas practiced with the sword.