Magical Theories

"We can speak here, this is my personal office." Isaiah told Nicholas as he pushed open the door into a large circular library with several boards and papers scattered around the room.

Nicholas walked in and skimmed through some of Isaiah's documents.

They were notes on experiments and theories, most of which seemed possible to Nicholas.

"Are you two going to stay or leave?" Nicholas heard Isaiah ask his two brothers.

"Stay." Dion and Malcolm responded as they shut the door firmly behind them.

"Do any of your experiments actually succeed?" Dion asked Isaiah as he looked around the room, observing the notes.

He noticed how some had similarities to magic that Nichoals was already capable of doing, while others seemed to be things that were plausible for his nephew.

"Some do." Isaiah told his brother as he dragged Dion and Malcolm to sit down while letting Nicholas continue exploring the notes.

"Like which ones?" Nicholas asked as he looked back at his uncle.