Six-month Training [REWRITTEN]

On the first day of the next week, as early as 7 am in the morning, Finley came knocking on Evan's door to wake him up for training.

Evan, who wanted to sleep ended up cursing at him, this resulted in Finley increasing the training intensity for that day.

He also forbade Evan from using any of his skills, Evan couldn't even use his skills secretly as Finley would sense it immediately.

He made Evan begin training from the basic sword swings and gradually taught him from there.

The young hero wanted to scream that he already knew all this, however, he felt that his training might just become worse if he did that so he kept his mouth shut.

Evan spent the first few weeks of the training period just swinging his sword and running laps around the mansion.

The Duke's mansion was large as befitting of his status as a Duke and Finley made Evan run around the mansion 8 - 10 times daily.

Evan usually just went to sleep without even having dinner sometimes due to his level of fatigue, he also gave up acting like the original Evan after a few days.

He even sometimes called the combat maids by their real names instead of the fake ones the original Evan called them by.

They were initially surprised at first but after they heard that he had awakened to an appraisal skill, they understood how he knew of their real identities.

Evan's daily schedule became very simplified.

Wake up at 6 am, run ten laps around the mansion, swing his sword a thousand times, and then the real training begins.

He was to go through this for 6 months, that was the condition the Emperor gave both him and Laurene.

He also did not learn only swordsmanship, but spearmanship too. Finley was not only a sword grandmaster, he was also a spear master too.

Although his spear skills were not up to par with his sword skills, he was still a master in that regard. He trained Evan in the spear too, this was so he would not be able to only use one weapon proficiently. This was also to maximize the effect of his weapon control skill.

As for Laurene, she understood what it meant for someone to be a genuine magic fanatic after meeting the Chief Court Mage. He was a level 350 mage who specialized in lightning magic just like Laurene.

He was more than happy to take her as his student and he spent every day drilling magic theories into her head daily. She could not even run away from training as he was also a master of teleportation magic.

He had tagged her with his magic power, which allowed him to teleport to her at any time and this was how he successfully foiled her various attempts to sneak out of the castle.

All invitations for tea parties or balls that came to both Evan and Laurene were declined, this caused rumours about them to fly around among the nobles but the people concerned couldn't care less.

Laurene was always in magic Lessons and Evan was always in sword lessons. Sometimes the teachers switched places, and the Chief court mage taught Evan Magic and Finley taught Laurene basic swordsmanship and close combat techniques.

When Evan appraised the Chief Court mage, he sighed in exasperation.

'How on earth did this guy get to such a level at such a young age?'

|Name- Jenson Burke

Race- Human

Gender - Male

Age- 25

Level- 420

Existence Level – Grandmaster (Superior)

Titles- Chief Court Mage of the Great Western Empire, Lightning Disaster, Magic Genius, He who Peruses the Doctrine of Lightning.

Class - Lightning Mage

Health– S

Energy- S+

Strength– S-

Agility– S

Durability– S-

Intelligence– S+

Condition- Normal

Magic Tiers- Lightning Tier 5, Earth Tier 3, Fire Tier 4, Water Tier 3, Wind Tier 3, Space Tier 4.

Skills- Lightning Magic (Extreme), Space Magic (Teleportation), Fire Magic (High), Earth Magic (High), Magic Amplification, Thunder Blow, Lightning Flash.

Unique Skills- Child of Lightning. |

He was truly a magic genius; he had achieved the peak of Tier 5 lightning magic and Tier 3 a lot of other attributes at just 20 years of age.

To understand just how absurd his feats were, he had achieved Tier 5 Magic, the kind of magic that Legendary Level and Sovereign Level existences used, while being a Grandmaster!

Someone who could cast Magic for Level 700s and Level 800s while being a Level 400 was worthy of the title of 'Magic Genius'. It wasn't surprising that he was the Chief Court Mage despite there being older and more experienced mages than he was.

He was one of the powerhouses of the Great Western Empire.

In the game, during the Main quest war scenario, he was one of the ones responsible for the death of a seven-star general of the Great Eastern Empire.

During the Final Quest, he single-handedly took down one of the Lesser Demon Generals on his own despite the level disparity.

In the game, he was one of the NPCs that possessed a 'Child Series Skill'. They were known as the 'Children of the Elements' by the player base of Aidos Online.

The 'Series Skills' were the most powerful skills that characters could possess in the game.

Examples of said series skills, included, the 'Mystic Series Skills', 'Child Series Skills', Incarnation Series Skills', 'Breath Series Skills', etc.

Even among unique skills, the 'Series Skills' were on another level entirely. They were so powerful that some players petitioned the developers to make a separate tier of skills just for the series skills.

Another thing of note was that it was impossible for two beings to possess the same 'Series Skill'. In other words, besides Jenson, it was impossible for another being with a 'Child of Lightning' to exist in all of Aidos.

It was the same with the 'Mystic Series Skills' that Evan and the rest of the seven heroes possessed, they were one of a kind and there could not be more than one of them.

The passive effects of these skills were also nothing to scoff at!

For Laurene who possessed the Mystic Eye of Truth, she had already begun displaying some of its abilities even though she had not fully awakened the skill.

This effect was her 'Lie Detection' skill. Her 'Lie Detection' was not actually a 'skill', it was just a passive of her 'Mystic Eye Series Skill' that she manifested before awakening the skill.

The same thing also applied to the original 'Evan'. The reason why he was called a 'genius' who learned everything he was taught at a scary rate and displayed skill levels above what his peers had was because of his 'Mystic Eye Series Skill' passive.

It wasn't to say that the original Evan was not smart, but most of the prowess he displayed, especially in the fighting department, was a result of the skill's passive effect.

Rumours that Evan heard said that the 'Series Skills' were 'seeds' for something more powerful but those rumours were never confirmed.

Nevertheless, it did not change the fact that 'Series Skills' were broken!

An example would be Jenson. His 'Child of Lightning' skill allowed him to bypass even the greatest of lightning resistances. He was capable of dealing lightning damage to a Crawling Lightning monster.

A monster whose body was made up of pure lightning and was supposed to be immune to it.

'Simply put, he's a bug!'

He was also very perceptive just like Finely, he realized when Evan tried to Mimic his Space magic skill and broke eye contact with him.

Since then, he never maintained eye contact with Evan for more than 5 seconds at a time. When Evan asked him why he always looked away, he replied.

"I don't know why, my senses tell me that I should definitely not look at your eyes for too long, you might have some sort of hidden skill that requires eye contact."

Hearing this, Evan was surprised, his surprise soon turned to rage. That day, he vowed to himself;

'I must definitely get that skill'

Evan tried and failed various times to mimic his space magic but failed, but he never gave up. Teleportation was going to be useful in an event that he encountered a monster out of his league.

It would help him run away quicker!

This continued for months as planned, by the time Evan realized it, he had already turned twelve. A not-so-small birthday celebration was held at the duke's mansion with nobles of various ranks in attendance.

It was on this day that it was officially announced that Evan had awakened to the Paladin skill, the Eris bloodline skill, much to the joy of the vassals of the Eris Dukedom.

Evan found socializing with other young nobles his age to be tiring, this was because to him, they were just like a bunch of children boasting about whose father was richer.

He did not even attempt to be polite with them despite the duchess' several warnings. As someone who lived in a democracy for 16 years, the aristocratic society was something he disliked fundamentally.

He also made use of his engagement with Laurene to shoo away the girls who tried to get into his good graces through 'various' means.

'Just what are the nobles of this world teaching twelve-year-old children? If demons ever attack this country, I will definitely let them die.'